4. Put the verbs into the Past Continious. We basketball at 6 o’clock last Sunday. *
a) were playing
b) was playing
c) did play
5. Put the verbs into the Past Continious. She with her friend for forty minutes yesterday. *
a) was talking
b) were talking
c) talked
6. Put the verbs into the Past Continious. You the window in the afternoon yesterday. *
a) washed
b) were washing
c) were washed
7.Put the verbs into the Past Simple. Anna (to have) a shower this morning *
a) was having
b) did have
c) had
8. Put the verbs into the Past Simple. They (to go) at work by bus last morning *
a) was going
b) went
c) were going
9. Put the verbs into the Past Simple. Cats (to drink) milk yesterday *
a) were drinking
b) drank
c) didn^t drank
10) Put the verbs into the Past Simple. you __your last holidays? *
) Enjoyed
b) Was enjoying
c) Did you enjoy
11) Write the First conditional sentences. If we … at 7 o’clock, we … on time. *
a)will leave\arrive
b) leave \will arrive
c) leaves \ arrives
12) If Bob … a good job, he … a new car. *
a) will get \ buy
b) get\ buy
c) gets \ will buy
13) If you … wine, you … sleepy. *
a) won’t drink/ don’t feel/
b) don’t drink/ won’t feel
c) doesn’t drink\ doesn’t feel
14) The child … crying if the toy …. *
a) will start/ breaks
b) start/ will break
c) starts\ break
15 ) We … to the beach if the weather …sunny tomorrow *
a) will go/ is
b) go/ be
c) goes\ will be
Предпосылкой войны был перекос торгового баланса между этими странами в пользу Китая, причиной которого являлась китайская политика ограждения империи от иностранного влияния. Товаром, который пользовался в Китае спросом и мог выровнять торговый баланс, принося англичанам огромную прибыль, был опиум, однако его продажа запрещалась императорскими декретами.
Результатом войны стала победа Великобритании, закреплённая Нанкинским договором от 29 августа 1842 года, выплата империей Цин контрибуции в размере 15 000 000 лянов серебра, передача британцам острова Гонконг и открытие китайских портов для английской торговли.
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