She's ninei took a picture of one page worth itshe's ninei took a picture of one page worth itshe's ninei took a picture of one page worth itshe's ninei took a picture of one page worth itshe's ninei took a picture of one page worth itshe's ninei took a picture of one page worth itshe's ninei took a picture of one page worth itshe's ninei took a picture of one page worth itshe's ninei took a picture of one page worth itshe's ninei took a picture of one page worth itshe's ninei took a picture of one page worth itshe's ninei took a picture of one page worth itshe's ninei took a picture of one page worth iti took a picture of one page worth iti took a picture of one page worth iti took a picture of one page worth iti took a picture of one page worth iti took a picture of one page worth iti took a picture of one page worth iti took a picture of one page worth iti took a picture of one page worth iti took a picture of one page worth itshe's ninei took a picture of one page worth iti took a picture of one page worth iti took a picture of one page worth itshe's ninei took a picture of one page worth itshe's ninei took a picture of one page worth iti took a picture of one page worth it
Возле реки гуляют мальчик с девочкой. Внезапно, на берегу, девочка увидела цаплю. Она гордо стояла на одной ноге и смотрела вдаль. Девочка очень обрадовалась встрече с цаплей, закричала, чтобы поделиться восторгом со своим другом. Мальчик долго не мог рассмотреть, где же стоит эта прекрасная птица. А затем ее увидел и он. Это был замечательный день для двух друзей, ведь в этот день они впервые увидели цаплю.