I wanted to write you to tell that I moved out from (название вашей страны) recently, and now I'm living in London. So far I'm not a huge fan of the city, mainly because of the bad weather and almost everything here costs a lot more than it costs in (название вашей страны).
But not everything here is bad, I really like the people who are living here, they are really kind and helpful and also their accents are beautiful! I already met a few friends here and things are doing well overall.
Yesterday I was watching movies with three of my neighbours, and tomorrow if the weather will be ok we will go outdoors with my mum and dad.
So, that's the news I wanted to tell you, I hope you're doing well!
2) -простое с однородными членами.(не обернулся, надел) запятая после "обернулся" 6) - бессоюзное 3);4) - сложносочинённые. в4) , перед"но" 1);5) - сложноподчинённые. в5) перед "как будто"
На родине - сущ.. обозначает предмет, отвечает на вопрос (на чём?) ,Н,Ф - родина. Нарицательное, неодуш, ж.р. 1 скл. П,п. . является обстоятельством. вперёд - наречие; обозначает признак действия и признак признака. отвечает на вопрос устремились(куда?) Н.Ф. - вперёд.,неизменяемое слово,наречие места, в предложении обстоят, места.
Hey Danny!
How is your life going?
I wanted to write you to tell that I moved out from (название вашей страны) recently, and now I'm living in London. So far I'm not a huge fan of the city, mainly because of the bad weather and almost everything here costs a lot more than it costs in (название вашей страны).
But not everything here is bad, I really like the people who are living here, they are really kind and helpful and also their accents are beautiful! I already met a few friends here and things are doing well overall.
Yesterday I was watching movies with three of my neighbours, and tomorrow if the weather will be ok we will go outdoors with my mum and dad.
So, that's the news I wanted to tell you, I hope you're doing well!
Don't forget to write me back!
-Your friend (ваше имя).