write one word in each gap to complete the
sentences. be careful! the words can come from
anywhere in the reading section, including the
exercises and the 'how well did you do? ' part.
1 a very big town is called a _
2 a
is an extremely clever person.
3 a tall building is sometimes called a.
4 a square box is sometimes called a.
5 a telephone you can take with you is called a
6 a small machine we sometimes use in maths
lessons is called a
7 a small thing that produces electricity is called
1 a_
8 if you _ out some information, you
discover it.
write one word in each gap to complete the
sentences. be careful! the words can come from
anywhere in the reading section, including the
exercises and the 'how well did you do? ' part.
1 a very big town is called a _
2 a
is an extremely clever person.
3 a tall building is sometimes called a.
4 a square box is sometimes called a.
5 a telephone you can take with you is called a
6 a small machine we sometimes use in maths
lessons is called a
7 a small thing that produces electricity is called
1 a_
8 if you _ out some information, you
discover it.
2. Доброе утро, Матрена Васильевна!
3. «Притесняют меня, Игнатич, -- жаловалась она мне после таких
бесплодных проходок. — Иззаботилась я.»
4. «Э-эх, Игнатич, -- разъясняла Матрена, стоя в нечистом фартуке в
кухонном дверном вырезе и оборотясь к моему столу. -- Мне молока и от козы
5. Завтра, Матрена, придешь мне пособить.