Every person has problems.
We often have many problems in school. We are given a lot of homework, we often do not understand some topics at the lesson, or what is worse, we have conflicts with friends.
We also have a lot of problems with adults. Adults often do not understand us, make us do what we do not want to do at the moment. My problem is that I don't have free time enough to play computer games and I sit late hours. In the morning I always feel like sleeping but my parent wake me up...
We sometimes have misunderstandings with friends. Sometimes we quarrel or even fight, but if a friend is a true one, he will always help you in a difficult situation.
In order not to fall into depression, in all these cases, you need to try to treat your problems from a positive point of view and look at the situation from another point of view, because in fact, if you try to do your best, you can soon find a solution to any problem. So, if you have a problem, follow my advice and I hope all problems will soon be solved.
1. Ввиду приближения экзаменов, он занимался с особым усилием
2. Ехали только днем, во избежании всяких дорожных случайностей
3. Четыре месяца тому назад, я, согласно его предписаниям, покинул шнуху.