В каком варианте ответа все имена собственные заключаются в кавычки? а) Роман Дубровский, мультфильм Барбоскины, фильм Пираты Карибского моря.
б) Сказка Царевна-лягушка, река Волга, горный Урал.
в) Бородинское сражение, повесть В дурном обществе, столица Франции.
Kursk population of 450 thousand people. The town is approximately a thousand years (the first historical mention). However, there is every reason to believe that our ancient "governor" over. In the "Life of St. Theodosius Pechersky" reported that in Kursk in the 30s XI century mansions were "lord", settlement, two churches, a school, commercial and retail establishments, that is, by the time the city had already existed.