I'd like to say some words about my favourite school teacher. She teaches English. She was the first who introduced us to the wide world of the English language. And during all school years English was my favourite subject.
I think very much depends on the teacher of this or that subject. We are lucky to have such a nice teacher of English. First, Ramilya Valiullina is a very good professional. She is competent in everything what she teaches us. She is very tactful. Learning languages and teaching-them requires infinite patience. And I must say that our teacher is very patient correcting our mistakes in reading, pronunciation, and spelling.
She always looks perfect, and we never see her face angry or unfriendly. She loves children, and it is very important in a teacher's work.
Teachers do not only teach their subjects. They develop their pupils' intellect, their attitudes to life and to other people.
Learning of a foreign language is not an easy task. It is a long and slow process takes a lot of time and efforts. That is why it is very important to have a good teacher. I am very grateful to my English teacher who made me interested in this subject. Ramilya Valiullina is the person I loved best at school because our English lessons were very interesting and instructive.
We began to study English in the first form. So she was the first who told us that English is an international language, it is the language of business, diplomacy and international relations, the language of progressive science and engineering. She convinced us that it is absolutely necessary for every educated person, for every good specialist to know English well today.
Our teacher is very competent and a good professional. She has a good command of the English language. From lesson to lesson we improved our knowledge, learnt more and more new words, grammatical structures and put them into practice of speaking.
We were lucky enough to have such a patient and tactful teacher. She never mocked at the pupils. She patiently corrected our mistakes and explained us everything we could not understand.
Our teacher did her best to make our lessons interesting and entertaining. We often worked in video class, watched English video films and then had a discussion. We got acquainted with English or American writers reading their works in the original. We communicated with native speakers of English. The speech of native speakers served us a good example. We listened to pop songs and tried to understand the words.
She always looked perfect and we never saw her face angry or unfriendly. We felt that she loved us and this is very important in teachers work.
Teachers do not only teach their subjects. They develop their pupils' intellect, their attitudes to life and to other people. Knowledge of foreign languages opens many doors before you, gives you many opportunities and advantages.
Однажды мама попросила меня с работой по дому. Я обрадовался этому, потому что хотел сделать ей что-нибудь приятное, а мамы была замечательным поводом. Я решил сначала мамочке на кухне, а потом убраться в комнате. Сегодня был выходной, и мама пекла наши любимые блинчики. Ей, конечно же, понадобилась моя Она попросила достать варенье. Но не успел я, как мне кажется, и дотронуться до банки, как она слетела с полки и с грохотом разлетелось по полу. У мамочки сегодня было хорошее настроение, и её все это рассмешило. Только моему коту Тимоше было страшно. Ну что же так Пришлось убирать стекла и доставать другое варенье..На кухне дело было сделано, а теперь осталась уборка моей комнаты. Я вытер пыль, собрал давно разбросанные по комнате вещи, расставил по полкам книги. Когда я закончил - позвал маму. Она была приятно удивлена, её лицо весь вечер светилось лукавой улыбкой
Вносишь - приставка в, корень -нос, окончание ишь, основа слова внос сварщик - корень свар, суф. щик, нулевое окончание, слова слова - сварщик синеватая - корень син, суф. еват, окончание ая, основа слова синеват парашютистка - корень парашют, суф. ист, к, окончание а, основа слова парашютистк сарафанчике - корень сарафан, суф. чик, окончание - е, основа слова сарафанчик уходит - приставка у, корень ход, окончание ит. основа слова уход шерстяным - корень шерст, суф. ян, окончание им, основа слова шерстян
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My favourite teacher.
I'd like to say some words about my favourite school teacher. She teaches English. She was the first who introduced us to the wide world of the English language. And during all school years English was my favourite subject.
I think very much depends on the teacher of this or that subject. We are lucky to have such a nice teacher of English. First, Ramilya Valiullina is a very good professional. She is competent in everything what she teaches us. She is very tactful. Learning languages and teaching-them requires infinite patience. And I must say that our teacher is very patient correcting our mistakes in reading, pronunciation, and spelling.
She always looks perfect, and we never see her face angry or unfriendly. She loves children, and it is very important in a teacher's work.
Teachers do not only teach their subjects. They develop their pupils' intellect, their attitudes to life and to other people.
Learning of a foreign language is not an easy task. It is a long and slow process takes a lot of time and efforts. That is why it is very important to have a good teacher. I am very grateful to my English teacher who made me interested in this subject. Ramilya Valiullina is the person I loved best at school because our English lessons were very interesting and instructive.
We began to study English in the first form. So she was the first who told us that English is an international language, it is the language of business, diplomacy and international relations, the language of progressive science and engineering. She convinced us that it is absolutely necessary for every educated person, for every good specialist to know English well today.
Our teacher is very competent and a good professional. She has a good command of the English language. From lesson to lesson we improved our knowledge, learnt more and more new words, grammatical structures and put them into practice of speaking.
We were lucky enough to have such a patient and tactful teacher. She never mocked at the pupils. She patiently corrected our mistakes and explained us everything we could not understand.
Our teacher did her best to make our lessons interesting and entertaining. We often worked in video class, watched English video films and then had a discussion. We got acquainted with English or American writers reading their works in the original. We communicated with native speakers of English. The speech of native speakers served us a good example. We listened to pop songs and tried to understand the words.
She always looked perfect and we never saw her face angry or unfriendly. We felt that she loved us and this is very important in teachers work.
Teachers do not only teach their subjects. They develop their pupils' intellect, their attitudes to life and to other people. Knowledge of foreign languages opens many doors before you, gives you many opportunities and advantages.