long time ago on the steppe, there more humery, One day, was man called Emazar who lived horse and the brisket to his to with his and eight sons. There was To their amazement, the old woman legend that one their sons would grow pregnant and they had a baby son, up to become a hero that would destroy The boy grew up very fast and was sour Baby Khan, the of the underworld. strong, handsome man, When Bapy Khan heard this legend, beautiful young woman called sent terrible winter the steppe, which they fell in love and got killed a of animals and people. the underworld, Bapy realised the knew had to send his sons away to find was the hero of the legend food for their livestock. So, he sent one of his servants to capture time went E-Tostik's father, Emazar, and bring him and his the underworld. When Er Tostik discovered did inther was gone, he immediately