Представьте числа в виде корня и Расположите их в порядке возрастания минус 3 корень 5, - 4 корень 3 - 2 корень 11 ВНИМАНИЕ, ПРИ ПОПЫТКЕ ОБМАНА КИНУ ЖАЛОБУ
Парабола симметричная фигура . это ясно. если сложить ее по оси симметрии, то две ее ветви сольются. то есть сгибать ее надо в точке минимума, так как именно в этой точке она из убывающей становится возрастающей. эта ось симметрии будет параллельна оси оу . осталось найти координаты точки перегиба.(вершины параболы). для этого есть красивая формула . x0 = - b / 2a. y = 2 x^2 - 5 x + 1; a = 2 ; b = - 5; x0 = 5/4 = 1,25. тогда уравнение оси симметрии примет вид х = 1,25. другими словами, при любом значении у значение х будет равно 1,25. это линия - вертикальная ось . перпендикулярно оси 0х через точку х =1,25 проводим линию и получаем ось симметрии.
is my mother. She has baked a delicious strawberry pie.
are my grandparents. They are riding bikes.
is our house. I can see it from here.
are my parents. My Mom’s name is Ann and my father’s name is Tom
is my mother. She has baked a delicious strawberry pie.
are my grandparents. They are riding bikes.
is our house. I can see it from here.
are my parents. My Mom’s name is Ann and my father’s name is Tom
is my mother. She has baked a delicious strawberry pie.
are my grandparents. They are riding bikes.
is our house. I can see it from here.
are my parents. My Mom’s name is Ann and my father’s name is Tom
is my mother. She has baked a delicious strawberry pie.
are my grandparents. They are riding bikes.
is our house. I can see it from here.
are my parents. My Mom’s name is Ann and my father’s name is Tom
is my mother. She has baked a delicious strawberry pie.
are my grandparents. They are riding bikes.
is our house. I can see it from here.
are my parents. My Mom’s name is Ann and my father’s name is Tom
is my mother. She has baked a delicious strawberry pie.
are my grandparents. They are riding bikes.
is our house. I can see it from here.
are my parents. My Mom’s name is Ann and my father’s name is Tom
is my mother. She has baked a delicious strawberry pie.
are my grandparents. They are riding bikes.
is our house. I can see it from here.
are my parents. My Mom’s name is Ann and my father’s name is Tom
is my mother. She has baked a delicious strawberry pie.
are my grandparents. They are riding bikes.
is our house. I can see it from here.
are my parents. My Mom’s name is Ann and my father’s name is Tom
is my mother. She has baked a delicious strawberry pie.
are my grandparents. They are riding bikes.
is our house. I can see it from here.
are my parents. My Mom’s name is Ann and my father’s name is Tom
is my mother. She has baked a delicious strawberry pie.
are my grandparents. They are riding bikes.
is our house. I can see it from here.
are my parents. My Mom’s name is Ann and my father’s name is Tom
is my mother. She has baked a delicious strawberry pie.
are my grandparents. They are riding bikes.
is our house. I can see it from here.
are my parents. My Mom’s name is Ann and my father’s name is Tom
is my mother. She has baked a delicious strawberry pie.
are my grandparents. They are riding bikes.
is our house. I can see it from here.
are my parents. My Mom’s name is Ann and my father’s name is Tom
is my mother. She has baked a delicious strawberry pie.
are my grandparents. They are riding bikes.
is our house. I can see it from here.
are my parents. My Mom’s name is Ann and my father’s name is Tom
is my mother. She has baked a delicious strawberry pie.
are my grandparents. They are riding bikes.
is our house. I can see it from here.
are my parents. My Mom’s name is Ann and my father’s name is Tom
is my mother. She has baked a delicious strawberry pie.
are my grandparents. They are riding bikes.
is our house. I can see it from here.
are my parents. My Mom’s name is Ann and my father’s name is Tom
is my mother. She has baked a delicious strawberry pie.
are my grandparents. They are riding bikes.
is our house. I can see it from here.
are my parents. My Mom’s name is Ann and my father’s name is Tom
is my mother. She has baked a delicious strawberry pie.
are my grandparents. They are riding bikes.
is our house. I can see it from here.
are my parents. My Mom’s name is Ann and my father’s name is Tom