Mr and Mrs Davis have a son. His name is Bobby, and it was his birthday a few days ago.
Last Sunday Bobby's grandfather came to visit them, and he brought Bobby a nice toy train. When he gave it to Bobby, he said: "I'm sorry, Bobby, but I forgot your birthday last Tuesday, so I give you this present then."
"Oh, that doesn't matter Grandpa," Bobby answered. "Thank you very much. It's just what I wanted."
"And how old are you now, Bobby?" his grandfather asked. Bobby knew the answer to that question. "I'm five, Grandpa," he said.
"That's good," the old man said. "You're a big boy now, Bobby. And what are you going to be when you're older?" Bobby knew the answer to that question, too. "I' m going to be six, Grandpa," he answered Этот?
Ну, думаю, что плоскость проходит через точку А т.к. сказано что точки стоят на таких-то расстояниях. при чем можно заметить, если набросать рисунок, что параллельно плоскость не может рассполагаться к этой прямой, ведь выйдет, что расстояния до точек С и Д будет одинаковым. на том и порешили что плоскость перпендикулярна к прямой, дальше стоит вопрос как и с какой стороны, нам даны расстояния от плоскости до С и до Д и последовательность их расположения на прямой. тут просто смотришь что Д стоит дальше, С ближе, при чем 6-3=3, все как раз подходит. ответ: А = 0 (никак не удалена), В=9 (т.к. от А до С=3, от А до Д=6, дальше можно догадаться)
Mr and Mrs Davis have a son. His name is Bobby, and it was his birthday a few days ago.
Last Sunday Bobby's grandfather came to visit them, and he brought Bobby a nice toy train. When he gave it to Bobby, he said: "I'm sorry, Bobby, but I forgot your birthday last Tuesday, so I give you this present then."
"Oh, that doesn't matter Grandpa," Bobby answered. "Thank you very much. It's just what I wanted."
"And how old are you now, Bobby?" his grandfather asked. Bobby knew the answer to that question. "I'm five, Grandpa," he said.
"That's good," the old man said. "You're a big boy now, Bobby. And what are you going to be when you're older?" Bobby knew the answer to that question, too. "I' m going to be six, Grandpa," he answered