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When I (go) shopping, I (see) my friend. I ___ (say) ‘Hello!’ and we (start) talking. While we (talk), a car (run into) a man on a bike. When we (see) the accident, I (phone) for an ambulance. While I (wait) for the ambulance, a policeman (arrive). He (ask) us some questions. The ambulance (come), while I (talk) to the policeman. The ambulance (take) the man to hospital and we (go) to a cafe for a cup of coffee. While we (drink) our coffee, we (discuss) about the accident.
- Ara parrot, fox, cat, dog.
-ostriches, lions, hyenas, cheetahs
- cow, horse, goat, ram, sheep, giraffe, rhino
-cheetah is the fastest animal
-tiger, lion, wolf, fox
-hare, squirrel
-white peacock