Have the students improved their english? She has become really beautiful. Has this man invented many useful gadgets? People have caused much destruction to the planet. I have never surfed in the Pacific Ocean. The class have done 5 tests this months. Alison has found a few problems with your plan. Have you consulted with doctors about his illness? I haven`t meant Debbie for ages. Since previous year,we haven`t made any profit. She has been sick since Sunday. You have been away for 2 weeks. Has he hated cheese since childhood? Mark and Katie haven`t been together for two years. I have liked mango since my last trip.
1.Много учеников на уроке.Are there many students at the lesson?There are not many students at yhe lesson. 2.Посетитель в офисе.Is There a visitor in the office?There is not a visitor in the office 3.Люди были в комнате.Were There people in the room?There were not people in the room. 4.Было некое чувство в том, что он делает.Was There some sense in what he proposes?The was not some sense in what he proposes. 5.Завтра будет встреча. Will There be a meeting tomorrow?There won"t be a meeting tomorrow. 6.В классе было много девочек .WillThere be many girls in our class?There won"t be many girls in our class.
Очень влиятельный человек - A very powerful man. Не очень чистое побережье - Not very clean coast