Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition.
1) i'm proud
my brother.
2) susan is very nervous
starting new job.
3) kate is not patient - _ insincere people.
4) john is popular_ his classmates.
5) alice is fond_ playing tennis.
6) children are
their parents.
7) jane is jealous katrin's success.
8) henry is good
playing the guitar.
2.Does he have breakfast at 8.00? He hasn't breakfast at 8/00.
3.Does he love her? He doesn't love her.
4.Do some pupils wear uniforms? Some puplis dom't wear uniforms.
5.Does he trust you? He doesn't trust you.
6.Does the park close at dusk? The park doesn't cloes at dusk.
Короче, вот схема---> Do/does/did (если he, she, it, то DOES, если I,you,they,we, то время), далее идет подлежащее - предмет, выполняющий действие , ну и остальная часть, вопросительный знак - ЭТО ОБРАЗОВАНИЕ ВОПРОСИТЕЛЬНЫХ ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЙ. Теперь ОТРИЦАНИЕ - просто заменяешь DO-DON'T, DOES-DOESN'T, DID-DIDN'T