1.The Cape of Good Hope was discovered by Bartolomeo Dias. 2.The clown entertained the public. 3.We arrived at the camp in time. 4.Many experiments were done under water. 5.Many people were invited to the festival. 6.They discussed many exciting things. 7.I learnt many interesting things in this unit. 8.What artist painted this picture?
This old building is in one of the countries of Europe. It’s not a natural object. It 1_was made by man a long time ago. Now it is seen as a tourist attraction. It’s a famous old building. It 3__wasn't built by the Romans. Galileo, the famous scientist, dropped heavy objects from this building to make his experiments. The upper floor 4 _was completed in 1319. It 5_was built by Tommaso Pisano. The largest bell of the building 6 was installed in 1655. The bell-chamber 7_was added in 1372. (ответ: Это знаменитая Пизанская Башня в Италии) .Minsk was founded in 1067. 2.Ancient Troy was found by German archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann in1870. 3.The first English settlement was founded in Virginia..in.1607.. 4.The first Olympic Games were held in Greece in 776BC. 5.Swedish Vikings were invited to rule Russia in..860... 6.St. Petersburg was founded by Peter the Great in 1703. 7.The first jeans were made by Oscar Levi Strauss in..1850.
1. loved,cleaned,lived,cried,opened,listened,played,joined. 2. liked,laughed,worked,washed,hoped,baked,watched,fixed,looked. 3. hated,wanted,started,needed,rested,waited,tasted,treated, visited. Правило: 1/ Если слово оканчивается на звонкую согласную или на гласную букву , то окончание -еd читается звонко /d/ loved. 2/ Если слово оканчивается на глухую согласную, то окончание читается глухо /t/ liked 3.Если же глагол уже имеет в oкончании буквы t или d, то окончание ed читается после них /id/ hated
2. How long have you been waiting?
3. I`ve been looking….
4. So what have you been doing….
5. Marcus has been playing….
6. My aunt hasn`t been feeling…