"Tom!" No answer. "Where is that boy, I wonder? You, Tom!" No answer. The old lady pulled her spectacles down and looked over them about the room. She looked puzzled for a moment, and then she said loud enough for the furniture to hear: "Well, if I find you, I'll She looked under the bed, then she went to the open door and stood in it and looked out into the garden. No Tom. So she shouted: "Y o u u. Tom!" There was a noise behind her and she turned just in time to see a small boy opening the door of a closet. She quickly ran and caught him . "There! I forgot about that closet, what did you do in there?" "Nothing." "Nothing! Look at yourself. What is that on your hands and face?" "I don't know, aunt." "Well, I know. It's jam. I've told you forty times to let that jam alone. Give me that switch just have to make him work tomorrow, to to punish him. It's hard to make him work on Saturday, when all the boys are having holiday, but he hates work more than anything else. He needs harsh discipline or i'll ruin the child трудно что-то убирать из такого теста
Pskov State University, created in 2011 . Pskovo center educational and cultural life of the region. The University possesses the infrastructure, which includes 16 faculties and 65 departments, College, a branch in Velikie Luki, Institute of lifelong learning. The study is being conducted in 30 areas, which belong to the nine branches of science. In the Pskov state University enrolls more than 10,000 undergraduate and graduate students. Actively integrating into the world educational space, Pskovo increasing domestic and international mobility of students and teachers. Over the past five years, Pskov state University has implemented more than 30 large international projects. Its main purpose is to increase the competitiveness of the regional economy by improving the structure and content of bachelor and master programs and other professional programs in the field of business and Economics
1. Про то, сколько едут учеников тут не сказано (по крайней мере, так я перевела, что ничего про это нет)
2 и 3 не видно :(
4. 1) Because theyre going to leave from outside the school at 8am
2) All the students
3) Walking in the huge woods around the centre
4) Around 5.15
5) Лично мне непонятно причем тут звуки приключения и, что это означает, поэтому я не знаю как на это ответить
5. 1) huge
2) expensive
3) new
Дальше не видно, надеюсь, что смогла хоть чем-то