Most teenagers get into trouble sometimes. But there's a big difference between doing something wrong like staying out too late, and committing a crime. The rise in teenage crime is a serious problem for our society. When a young person breaks the law and gets away with it, they are likely to repeat the crime. Therefore, when a teenager gets caught we must do everything to show them that crime is wrong. Putting them to prison is not the answer - they will only meet more experienced criminals there. Most of them don't have the money to pay a fine. One good option is to send them on probation. This means they have a period of time when they must not commit any more crimes. If they do they will be sent to prison. But the best punishment is getting them to do community servie - for example, picking up litter off the streets. This is the best way of teaching them that they have a responsibility to society.
1- Stratford-upon-Avon, United Kingdom, April 26, 1564
2- John Shakespeare was the father of William Shakespeare. He was the son of Richard Shakespeare from the village of Warwickshire of Snitterfield, a farmer. He moved to Stratford-upon-Avon and married Mary Arden, with whom he had eight children, five of whom survived into adulthood.
3-At a time when Shakespeare probably resided in Stratford, theater groups visited the city at least 12 times, including speaking twice before officials, including Shakespeare’s father, who, as a bailiff, had to review it before the group’s performance
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