Нужно составить по 2 предложения на каждый фразовый глагол в любом времени 1.turn up 2.set up 3.built up 4.gave up 5.make up 6.come up with 7.look up 8.charge up
СПЕЦИАЛЬНЫЕ ВОПРОСЫ 1.They asked me what time the train started. 2.She asked me what I would do the next day. 3.I asked my uncle how long he had stayed in Moscow. 4.He wondered where I had bought that hat. 5.He asked her where she usually spent her summer holidays. 6.She asked me why I had come there the day before.
ОБЩИЕ ВОПРОСЫ 7.The teacher asked me if my father worked at a factory. 8. Grandmother asked Mary if she had gone shopping the day before. 9. My sister asked me if I would take her to the theatre with me the next day. 10.The doctor asked Nick if he washed his face every morning. 11.Father asked Nick if he had done his homework. 12.The man asked me if there were some more books there.
ПОВЕЛИТЕЛЬНЫЕ ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЯ 13.Mother told Tom to go to bed. 14.Van told the boys not to play in the street. 15.The teacher told Nick to give her (или him, если учитель мужчина) his book. 16.Father asked Jane to show him her homework. 17.The teacher told the pupils not to open their books. 18.Kate asked her grandmother to help her to cook the soup.
В вашем тексте есть опечатки. В современном инглише should практически не используется в значении будущего в согласовании времен. Но в наших школах встречаются не всегда сведущие педагоги.
1. They asked when the train started. 2. She asked me what I would (классический вариант - should) do tomorrow. 3. I asked my uncle how long he had stayed in Moscow. 4. He wondered where I had bought this hat. 5. He asked her where she usually spent her summer holidays. 6. She asked me why I had come there yesterday.
1. The teacher asked me if my father worked at a factory. 2. Grandmother asked if I had gone shopping yesterday. 3. My sister asked if I would (should) take her to the theatre with me tomorrow. 4. The doctor asked Nick if he washed his face every morning. 5. Father asked Nick if he had done his homework. 6. The man asked if there were some more books there.
1. Mother asked Tom to go to bed. 2. The man said to the boy not to play in the street. 3. Teacher asked Nick to give her his book. 4. Father asked Jane to show him her homework. 5. The teacher asked the pupils not to open their books. 6. Kate asked her grandmother to help her to cook the soup.
1. He didn't turn up? What a dirty trick!
Он так и не появился? Что за подлость!
Jack, please, turn up the radio.
Джек сделай радио погромче.
2. Don't worry, madam, we will set up this statue very careful.
Не волнуйтесь мадам, мы очень аккуратно установим эту статую.
You need a holiday to set you up again after all that hard work.
После всей этой тяжёлой работы тебе нужно отдохнуть, чтобы восстановить силы.
3. This beautiful church was built up in last century. Isn't is gorgeous?
Это прекрасная церковь была построена еще в веке. Разве она не великолепна?
Ross took twenty years to build up his business.
У Росса ушло двадцать лет, чтобы создать свой бизнес.
4. Randy didn't gave up when life gave him that terrible gift
Рэнди не сдался, когда жизнь преподнесла ему этот ужасный подарок
Oh, Ann, didn't you know? Real heroes never give up. So, this weakling didn't deserve to be called that
О, Анна, разве ты не знала? Настоящие герои никогда не сдаются. Поэтому, этот слабак не заслужил так себя нарекать
5. I used to be scared of clown make up when I was a little silly girl
Раньше я боялась клоунского грима, когда была маленькой глупой девочкой
We've got quite a lot of leeway to make up.
Нам ещё довольно многое нужно наверстать.
6. What cockamamie excuse will he come up with this time?
Какое смехотворное оправдание он придумает на этот раз?
Let me know if you come up with anything.
Если тебе придет что-нибудь в голову, скажи мне
7. While you're in London, do look up our old teacher, he'll be pleased to see you.
Когда окажешься в Лондоне, навести нашего старого учителя, он будет рад тебя видеть.
Things are looking up.
Положение улучшается.
8. Oh, I didn't charge up my phone battery. What a pity
О, я не зарядил аккумулятор своего телефона. Как жаль
Just charge up your brain of fun, dude and catch the moment
Чувак, просто заряди свой мозг весельем и лови момент