He said that - their school started with registration - every morning they also had assembly - he wasn’t sure that they should have assembly every day - assembly was a waste of time and he could do without it - his favourite subjects were Biology, Chemistry and Physics - at those lessons they discovered new things - it was very interesting - he liked Maths too - their teacher Mr. Kernel was very kind and he helped them when they had problems - he always looked forward to his lessons - he didn’t like French - he hated learning words and poems by heart
10.1 Fill the gaps in 1-5 with an adjective (e.g. dark, hot, etc.).
1 If you are cold, you want to get warm.
2 If your life is boring, you want it to get more interesting.
3 If your working day is very long, you'd like it to get short.
4 If you are poor, you'd probably like to get rich.
5 If someone is fat and they eat less and do a lot of exercise they will probably get slim.
Fill the gaps in 6-10 with a noun (e.g. stamps, doctor, etc.).
6 Before you go on a train journey, you have to get a ticket.
7 You go to the bank or a cash machine when you want to get some money.
8 You go to the baker's when you want to get some bread.
9 When it's your birthday you probably get some presents.
10 You check your e-mail program to see if you have got any new letters.