Hi my friend! I am writing you a letter to find out how you are doing? what's new? What's up? I'm good. I moved to a new house. it is nice here. I dreamed for a very long time to have my own home. I’m doing repairs now and decided to write to you. you and I have not seen each other for so long. so much news you probably already have in these 5 years. I'm in Moscow now, and you? So I went to college now. The weather is sunny for us this month. This month has been very productive for me. I'm so happy! how I want to see you. will share everything that has accumulated. Do you remember how we ran at breaks and skipped classes at school? how did we come to school the end of the day? or how we went to your house after school and played PS, how we loved this chocolate ice cream. how delicious it was! really miss those times.
IV. Read the article about the nursing profession in Britain.
These words will help you to understand the text:
to depend on - зависеть от;
skill - мастерство;
to get promotion - получить продвижение (по службе);
to work shifts - работать посменно;
mentally ill -душевнобольной;
to respect for the work - ценить работу;
reward - вознаграждение, награда.
the nursing profession
In Britain, every nurse is on a grade. The grade depends on experience and skills, and each grade has different responsibilities and pay. On the bottom grades are unqualified auxiliary nurses who do the routine work on hospital wards. On the top grades are nursing officers, who are usually administrators.
Auxiliary nurses are on the bottom grades, but student nurses get the lowest pay. However, students don't stay at the bottom of the pay scale forever. When they qualify, they start working on a middle grade. As they get experience, they can get promotion and move up the ranks to become staff nurse, then sister (charge nurse if a man), and perhaps eventually nursing officer.
Many nurses work shifts, and often they work overtime to earn more money. After basic training, many nurses choose to further study and become specialists. Nurses can specialize in many different fields - there are triage nurses working in Casualty, and psychiatric nurses who treat the mentally ill. There are health visitors who visit patients in their own homes, practice nurses working in surgeries, and midwives who deliver babies.
Many of them say they do not get enough pay and respect for the work they do. They say that the work is physically and mentally hard, that they work long hours and get very tired. But they also say that there are many goeat rewards which have nothing to do with money.
I. Number these jobs from the highest grade (1) to the lowest (4). Two of them are equal.
1 b. nursing officer
2 a. charge nurse and d. sister
3 e. staff nurse
4 c. auxiliary nurse
II. Look through the article again and decide if these sentences are true (T) or false (F).
1). The more responsibility you have, the higher your grade. (T)
2). Nursing officers are the same as auxiliary nurses. (F)
3). Students are paid less than auxiliary nurses. (T)
4). A charge nurse is a man. (T)
5). There are not many opportunities for British nurses to specialize. (F)
6). Many nurses say that the job is rewarding, but the pay is low. (T)
III. Answer the questions:
1. What are the differences between the nursing grades in Britain? They haves different responsibilities and pay.
2. Who stays at the bottom of the pay scale? Students.
3. What fields can nurses in Britain specialize in? Triage nurses, psychiatric nurses, health visitors, practice nurses and midwives.
4. What fields can nurses in Russia specialize in? Very many fields.