Промежуточная аттестация в 10 классе, маоу фокинская сош, 2019
version 1
1. используй сослагательное наклонение:
a) if i coffee last night, i better. ( not drink, sleep)
b) if my parents more money, i to university after i left school. (have, go)
c) on a sweater, if i you. (put, be)
d) everything ok, if i my keys yesterday, (be, not to lose)
e) if i cook, a job in a restaurant. (can, get)
2. используй косвенную речь:
a) bill said, "i didn't meet him."
b) my friend said, " jane wasn't here."
3. напиши пять типов вопросов к предложениям:
1. the new stadium was built in autumn 2018.
2. the doctor examined him well.
4. измени слова так, чтобы они лексически и грамматически соответствовали
ignorance about ecology (1- leader) to further destruction of nature. people have
destroyed nature by (2. build) huge cities and cutting down trees. in pursuit of new
inventions and (3-discover) man (4. forget) about nature and it has led him to
the edge of (5. ecology) catastrophe.
5. yrehue (true-1, false-2, not stated-3).
you have to go back and start learning english now, change the way you're learning
it. instead, learn it like a baby. learn with your ears. lots and lots of listening. now,
like a baby, you should not focus on difficult listening. this is another problem that
schools have and a lot of students have. maybe they do practice some listening, but
when they do, it's so difficult like they're listening to sample toefl tests and things
like that. extremely difficult vocabulary, very academic and formal, not really
natural, normal english, for normal situations.
and it's so difficult that you cannot really understand it easily and automatically. if
you do that, if you listen to english that's too difficult, your learning will be very very
very slow. you want the opposite. like a baby you want to listen to lots of easy
english. easy listening is the key, easy listening will give you great speaking. that's
what all the research shows. it's very powerful. so, you probably need to be listening
to things that are much easier than you think.
here's my basic rule for listening: you should listen to something that you can
understand ninety-five per cent of it without a dictionary. ninety-five percent. that
means you don't need a dictionary at all because the other five percent you can easily
a) you have to stop learning english.
b) schools practice difficult listening.
c) easy listening gives you great vocabulary.
d) listen to something very easy.
e) babies listen to easy english
1. Берёзки, раскачиваясь от сильного ветра, будто стонали. 2. Том приятно и весело провёл время, ничего не делая. 3. Не досказав своей мысли, старуха нагнулась и стала подметать возле печки. 4. Не получив официального уведомления о постановлении совета, я мог не знать о замыслах против меня. 5. Побывав на соревнованиях, ребята сами захотели устроить у себя стадион. 6. Дождь барабанил по крыше, точно негодуя на кого-то. 7. На большой арене стадиона, скользя по сверкающему льду, показались юные фигуристы. 8. Недолюбливая этого сотрудника, он всё же ценил его профессиональные качества. 9. Бабушка, взяв лопату, пошла в огород. 10. Снег, блестя на солнце, слепил глаза.
2)бассейн, дистанция, галерея, увидев, услышав, расклеив, растаяв, не читая, не выучив, ненавидя, негодуя, неистовствуя, не держась, не мечтая, недоумевая, не заметив, не построив.