вот смотри, вспом. глагол означает слово "есть", то есть в русском языке используется как нулевая связка.
А это значит, что мы спокойно можем заменить слово "есть" на глагол "был", "будет" и т.д.
В этом и есь смысл задания, в умении менять времена)
Итак, начнем с начтоящего времени.
в начальной форме мы видим перезент симпл.Для того, чтобы заменить симпл континиусом мы можем добавить слово "Now" в конце.
т.е. получается "School education is free in state schools now"
третьим временем возьмем презент перфект
образование презент перфект - это Subdject + have + V3
"School education have been free in state schools."
been я добавила, потому что это третья форма глагола be.Получилось образование как в презент перфект континиус, но значение немного другое.
с будущим и будет немного полегче.
Future simple
School education will be free in state schools.
просто ставим вспом. глагол will и добавляем замену "is"-be.
Past simple
school education was free in state school.
was-вторая форма глагола be.
Each of us has a favorite city. For me it's St. Petersburg. I was not there, but I saw him on TV. This city is extraordinarily beautiful!
The climate in this city is wet. It often rains there. But it does not prevent to enjoy cathedrals, galleries, fortresses and other beauties of St. Petersburg.
Most of all I am amazed at the gardens and parks of this city. How much human labor has been invested so that other people can admire plantations. I love St. Petersburg and I can say that this is my favourite city.
Источник, используемый в ответе: @annaburyak777
Ссылка на ответ:
Amazing cookies are made by my sister.
New Ferrari was bought by him
A lot of ham is eaten in Montenegro by people.
Traditional songs are sung by old women.
The exams were finished last Monday
A lot of wine is produced by Montenegrins.
A lot of slivovitz is drunk in Serbia.
Christmas is celebrated on 7 January.
"Tell him" is sung by Celine Dion.
Several matches were won by buduchst.
Montenegro is visited by a lot of tourists in summer.
the vase was broken by his dog.
Pork isn't eaten by Muslims.