Once, my friend adviced me very interesting book, it was Harry Potter. Of course I immediately took it in library. So, I read it every day, this is realy interesting book. I advised this book to my friends, but some of them read it. But one day this book disappeared, that was shock for me, I was confused. And when I asked my mom where is a book, she answered that she took my book , because she cleaned the room.
5 общих 1. In what month does summer turn into autumn? В каком месяце лето сменяется осенью?
2. Early autumn, what period is this? Ранняя осень, это какой период?
3. What clouds cover the sky? Какие тучи закрывают небо?
4. What carpet is the earth like now? Какому ковру теперь подобна земля!
5. What birds starting to do? Что начинают делать птицы?
5 общих 1. The autumn months are September, October and November? Осенние месяца это Сентябрь, Октябрь и Ноябрь?
2. Is October the best month for plant trees? Октябрь, лучший месяц для посадки деревьев?
3. Do trees lose their leaves in the fall? Деревья теряют свои листья осенью?
4. Are the animals putting on their winter coats? Животные надевают свои зимние пальто?
5. Are days getting shorter and nights longer? Дни становятся короче, а ночи длиннее?
Если что, даже объясню: Общие вопросы на которых можно ответить только да или нет, а альтернативные, на которые нужен развёрнутый ответ. Не могу дать гарантию что все правильно, но надеюсь что
Time for a walk! Oh goody! I like the park! Hello, Cookie! So, you come here too! Yes. My owner works here.He sells hot dogs. What does he do? Do you want (тайм) (фэр) (э) (уок)! (оу) (ˈгуди)! (ай) (лайк) (зэ) (пак)! (хеˈлоу), (ˈкуки)! (соу), (ю) (кам) (хиэ) (ту)! (йес). (май) (ˈоунэ) (уёкс) (хиэ).(хи) (селз) (хот) (догз). (уот) (дэз) (хи) (ду)? (ду) (ю) (уонт) one?Do people eat dogs?Oh, oh! They're not really does, silly!Here you are. Try one! I love hot dogs. Yum!(уан)?(ду) (ˈпипл) (ит) (догз)?(оу), (оу)! (зеэ) (нот) (ˈриэли) (даз), (ˈсили)!(хиэ) (ю) (а). (трай) (уан)! (ай) (лав) (хот) (догз). (ям)!
Once, my friend adviced me very interesting book, it was Harry Potter. Of course I immediately took it in library. So, I read it every day, this is realy interesting book. I advised this book to my friends, but some of them read it. But one day this book disappeared, that was shock for me, I was confused. And when I asked my mom where is a book, she answered that she took my book , because she cleaned the room.