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10.01.2020 20:08 •  Английский язык

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classical architecture
classical arehitecture is the set of building styles and tech- niques of classical greece, as used in ancient greece, the hel- lenistic period, and the reman empire.in architectural history, classical architecture also includes later and modetn styles de- rived from greck sources, while archacological usage is more strictly limited te the classical period.most of the styles origi nating in post-renaissance europe can be described as elassical archtecture.this broad use of the term is employed by si john summerson in the classical language of architecture the "elements" of classical architecture have been applied in radically different architectural contexts than those for which they were developed.the elassical orders dorie, ionic, and corinthian-have meaning in the stylistic history of 5th century bc greece, shifting to the developments in ist century ad gaul, with styles revived over and over again since then.

gothic architecture
originating in 12th-century france and lasting into the 16th century, gothic architecture was known during the period as the french style" (opus francigenmm), with the term gothic first appearing during the latter part of the renaissance as a sty- listicinsult. its characteristic features include the pointed arch, the ribbed vault and the flying buttress gothic architecture is most familiar as the architecture of many of the great cathe- drals, abbeys and parish churches of europe. it is also the archi- tecture of manycastles, palaces, town halls, guild halls, univer- sities, and to a less prominent extent private dwellings it is in the great churches and cathedrals and in a number of civic buildings that the gothic style was expressed most powar fully, its charactcristics lencingthemselves to appcal to the emotions. a series of gothie revivals began in mid-18th century england, spread through 19th-century earope and continued, largely for ecclesiastical and university structures, into the 20th century.

art nouveau
art nouveau is an international movement and style of art, ar- chitecture and applied art-especially the decorative arts-that peaked in popularity at the turn of the 20th century (1890 1905).the name 'art nouveau is french for 'new art, it is also known as jugendstil, german for 'youth style, named after the magazine jugend, which promoted it, and in italy, stilc liberty frem the department store in london, liberty & co, which popularized the style.a reaction to academic art of the 19th century.it is characterized by organic, especially floral and other plant-inspired motifs, as well as highly-stylized, flowing curvilincar forms.art nouveau is an approach to design ac- cording to which artists should work on everything from archi tecture to furniture, making art part of everyday life.

art deco
art deco was a popular international art design movement from 1925 until the 1940s, affecting the decorative arts such as architecture, interior design, and industrial design, as well as the visual arts such as fashion, painting, the graphic arts, and film.at the time, this style was seen as elegant, glamorous, functional, and modern.the movement was a mix of many dif ferent styles and movements of the early 20th century, including neoclassical, constructivism, cuhism, modernism, art nou veau, and futurism.its popularity peaked in europe during the roaring twenties and continued strongly in the united states through the 1930s.although many design movements have po- litical or philosophical roots or intentions, art dcco was purely decorative.art deco experienced a decline in popularity during the late 30s and early 40s, and soon fell out of public favour.it experienced a resurgence with the populatization of graphic design in the 1980s.art deco had a profound influence on many later artistic movements, such as memphis and pop art the empire state building and the chrysler building, both in new york city, are two of the largest and best-known exam ples of the style.

1)каково происхождение классицизма?
2)какие архитектурные элементы считаются классическими?
3)когда впервые появилась готическая архитектура?
4)почему готический стиль в основном применялся для строительства церковных зданий?
5)в чем разница между классической и неоклассической архитектурой?
6)что означает термин модерн?
7)какова главная черта архитектуры в стиле модерн?
8)что сделало арт-деко чрезвычайно популярным стилем искусства 20-го века? ​


Объяснение: Classical architecture also includes later and modetn styles de- rived from Greck sources, while archacological usage is more strictly limited te the Classical period.

Gothic architecture

Originating in 12th-century France and lasting into the 16th century, Gothic architecture was known during the period as the French Style"

4,4(21 оценок)
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1) Do you like to go to the theatre?
2) Which kind of film do you prefer?
3) Do you like to go to the cinema with friends or alone?
4) Do you like to watch different comedies?
5) When is it better to go to the cinema?
6) Do your parents go with you to the cinema or you watch films at home on TV?
7) With whom you prefer to go to the theatre: with your friends or with your parents?
8) Do you like to watch new films?
9) Which theatre do you usually visit?
10) Do you buy food and drinks in the cinema and in the theatre?
4,5(58 оценок)
1. He will do an English exercise if he does not have other things to do. 2. If I do not help him, he will not write the test tomorrow. 3. He will not go to the library tonight. 4. If he does not go to the library, it will be at home. 5. We'll be at home tomorrow. 6. If we are at home tomorrow, we will see this program on TV. 7. She will not be at home tomorrow. 8. If she isl not at home tomorrow, leave her a note. 9. Tomorrow, the weather will be good. 10. If the weather is good tomorrow, we will go to the country. 11. When she comes to school, she takes off her coat. 12. When she comes to school, she will take off the coat. 13. As soon as he says this funny scene, he starts laughing. 14. As soon as he remembers this funny scene, he starts laughing. 15. I'll come home at six o'clock. 16. When I come home, I'll call you. 17. She will call us in the evening. 18. If she calls you, ask her to bring me the book. 19. I will see Tom tomorrow. 20. As soon as I see Tom, I'll tell him about it. 21. I will go to Paris next week. 22. Before I go to Paris, I'll call you.
4,6(6 оценок)
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