Which school is better, Private or public? I think it's really a question which can't have any definite answer. First of all we must bear in mind that if private schools are extra paid they should be better. I'm not sure about it because personally I have never had such an experience. I attend state school and I'm absolutely happy here. The objective of public schools is excellence of education ( at least education itself). As state school is funded by government(taxes) the equipment there is rather old and sometimes not modern. In private schools I think it's much better. As for home education personally I can say that it's not good. Becase sitting at home you won't have opportunity to contact with other children, to make friends. So I think that state schools are better.
Перевод: Ура! Меня наконец-то приняли в школьную команду по баскетболу! Завтра моя первая игра. Ты любишь спорт? Почему? Что ты думаешь о последних Олимпийских играх в Сочи? Как ты любишь проводить...(наверно имеется в виду свободное время - free/spare time).
you can write (ты можешь написать) - Hey! Good for you!(Поздравляю/Молодец) I love sports. My favorite sport is... soccer(футбол)/basketball/volleyball/badminton(бадминтон)/figure skating(фигурное катание)/swimming(плавание)/horseback riding(верховая езда) etc. (и т.д.). Дальше - почему. Могу сказать про бадминтон. I love badminton because I have a good eye-hand coordination (координация между глазом и рукой) and it's fun to hit/to chase that shuttlecock (и это весело - стараться попасть по валанчику). It is a fun way to move around and exercise. You can have fun with your friends and make new friends. You can make good friends through sports, as you try to win a game as a team. Вот как-то так. Про Олимпиаду в Сочи много сказать не могу т.к. смотрю обычто только фигурное катание. Удачи!