1. I didn’t know you were in hospital. If I had known, I would have gone to visit you.
2. Ken got to the station in time to catch his train. If he had missed it, he would have been late for his interview.
3. It’s good that you reminded me about Ann’s birthday. I would have forgotten if you hadn't reminded me.
4. How was your holiday? Did you have a nice time? – It was OK, but we would have enjoyed it more if the weather had been better.
5. I took a taxi to the hotel but the traffic was very bad. It would have been quicker if I had walked.
6. In your place I would have accepted that invitation.
7. In his place I wouldn't have involved your colleagues in that affair.
8. In his place I wouldn't have failed that exam, I would have passed it.
9. In their place I would have solved that problem long ago.
10. If I were you I wouldn't have touched that matter at the meeting yesterday.
11. If I had been you I wouldn't have shared secrets with that girl.
12. If you had accompanied me to the concert, you would have enjoyed the wonderful music.
13. If we had solved that problem in time, we wouldn't have involved in such a situation.
14. If he had treated his wife like a loving husband, she wouldn't have left him.
15. He wouldn't have become a great pianist if he hadn't developed his talent.
16. If my relations had offered me help when I was in trouble, I would have surely accepted it.
17. If my colleagues had objected to my plan, I would have never insisted on it.
18. If her doctor had prescribed that medicine to me, I would have surely taken it.
19. If those people had refused to help me, I would have found another way out.
20. If I hadn't overslept, I wouldn't have been late for classes today.
Вчені Едріан Мелотт і Брайан Томас заявили про те, що перехід гомінід прямоходіння міг бути пов'язаний з вибухом наднової зірки, який стався в далекому минулому. Як повідомляє Naked science, вибух далекої наднової викликав появу блискавок в атмосфері Землі, що призвело до виникнення пожеж, які розчистили простір савани і змусили предків людини почати ходити на двох ногах.
На думку дослідників, першими гомінідами, які перейшли до прямоходіння, були сахелантропи, останки яких датовані віком майже сім мільйонів років. Скорочення лісів, яке змусило їх перебратися в савану, пов'язують з грозами і пожежами. Разом з тим, у новому дослідженні вчені припустили, що Земля в той далекий час зазнала впливу однієї або декількох наднових, пік якого припав приблизно на 2,6 мільйона років тому.
Drive the car around the car park to FAMILIARISE yourself (ознакомиться) with the control.
All our EMPLOYEES (работники) receive four weeks paid holiday per year .
Besides French, she knows English and can speak quite fluently
Except=кроме, за исключением. А вам нужно "кроме, вдобавок", то есть besides