не was sitting inside the bar for about half an hour when he found that a little girl was standing alongside him. «do you know that children under the age of sixteen don't allow to be here? did you see the notice on the door? » the girl shaked her head. he thought that the assistant would ask her to leave the place. instead, in a more kindly tone he said: «is here anyone you looking for? if you stay outside for a while, i'll give you a lift home». he didn't know why he made that offer.
When i arrived at the airport that would fly to moscow i met a pretty girl 24 years i saw her passport at check it from america itself but fluent in russian, i decided to talk to her she is flying in the permian to friends she lawyer by profession and has been working for 2, she was dressed in a white blouse and a black vest in jeans and sneakers she carried with them souvenirs for friends and gave me a spoon with a picture of the statue of liberty, i decided to go for coffee and invited the girl she agreed and then she flew
1 am,will go
2 will come,has