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09.03.2020 10:40 •  Английский язык

Чем определяется направление океанических течений? назови две причины. как течения
влияют на климат побережья (температура, осадки, обязательно учитываем различное действие
зимой и летом)?

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Summer holidays are the longest and the funniest vacations in the year. We’re always looking forward to the summer vacations. And when they come, we put our school backpacks aside and completely forget about boring school life. It’s time to have fun and take a rest!

This summer the weather was great! It was neither too hot nor cold. At the beginning of June (early in June), I decided immediately to enroll in the swimming pool, because I am fond of swimming. Dad insisted that in addition I should sign up for karate hobby group. He believes that every man should be able to stand up for himself. I also think so, therefore I gladly accepted the offer. My sister enjoys dancing, and we enrolled her in the dance-club.

The whole June and half of July I was engaged in the hobby circle, walked and ran about the street with friends. From time to time I did the homework that teachers assigned for summer vacations. At the end of July we went to the sea with my parents. We sunbathed, made tours and talked with strangers there.

In August, they bought me a summer camp voucher for 10 days. Camp is the most amusing place where I happened to stay. Every day we were doing something interesting and fascinating. We walked down the hills, went hiking, did rock climbing. From time to time we learned to draw, play the guitar and the synthesizer. But what I liked the most - gatherings around the campfire. We sang songs, told horror stories to one another and heated ourselves at the fire there.


Летние каникулы – самые длинные и веселые каникулы в году. Мы всегда с нетерпением ждем начала летних каникул. И когда они наступают, мы оставляем свои рюкзаки в стороне и напрочь забываем о школьных нудных буднях. Время веселиться и отдыхать!

Погода этим летом было замечательная! Не было ни слишком жарко, ни холодно. В начале июня я решил сразу записаться в бассейн, потому что я обожаю плавать. Папа настоял, чтобы я записался еще и на кружок карате. Он считает, что каждый парень должен уметь постоять за себя. Я тоже также считаю, поэтому с радостью принял такое предложение. Сестра моя любит танцевать, и мы ее записали ее на танцы.

Целый июнь и пол-июля я занимался в кружке, гулял и бегал на улице с друзьями. Время от времени я делал уроки, которые нам задавали учителя на летние каникулы. А конце июля мы отправились на море вместе с родителями. Там мы загорали, совершали экскурсии и общались с незнакомыми людьми.

В августе мне приобрели путевку в лагерь на 10 дней. Лагерь – это самое веселое место, где мне удалось побывать. Каждый день мы были заняты чем-то интересным и увлекательным. Мы спускались с гор, совершали пешие прогулки, занимались скалолазанием. Время от времени мы учились рисовать, играть на гитаре и на синтезаторе. Но что мне понравилось больше всего – посиделки у костра. Там мы пели песни, рассказывали ужастики друг другу и просто грелись у костра.

4,5(52 оценок)
Kyrgyzstan differs from other countries by its unique, virgin, diverse, beautiful nature, geographical position which defines a strict change of seasons, diverse relief (primarily, mountain), favorable policy towards tourism and liberal legislation.

94% of the territory of Kyrgyzstan is occupied with mountains. It has fantastic gorges covered with bright green grass, high fir-trees, and is filled with the crystal pure air. Murmur of the water in the tumultuous rivers and waterfalls are the only things which break the silence. Every gorge is unique and beautiful in its own way. The plexus of mountains located on the border with China is a location of the highest picks of the Tien-Shan mountain system - Pobeda Peak (7439 m) and Khan-Tengri (6995 m). From this point the gorges go to the west and south-west creating parallel ranges stretching for 300-400 km. The Republic southern border with Tajikistan is edged with the highest Chon-Alai (Zaalai) Range with the second highest peak in Kyrgyzstan – Lenin Peak (7134 m). Alpinists from all over the world strive for conquering these peaks. Kyrgyzstan is one of the largest regions that has the modern glaciers system. They occupy 4.2% of the territory of Kyrgyzstan with a total area of 8100 sq. km.

There are more than 2000 lakes and artificial storages in the country. The lakes occupy 3.4% of the territory. About 90% of them are high-altitude dams and enclosed lakes. Sary-Chelek Lake is a biosphere reserve located at the south-western slope of the Chatkal Range at a height of 1873.9 m above sea level. It impresses every tourist by its beauty.
The high-altitude Issyk-Kul Lake, the second largest after Lake Titicaca, is sheltered between Tien-Shan mountains at the bottom of the huge tectonic basin at a height of 1606.7 m above sea level. The Lake differs from others by its geographical, climatic, and hydrological conditions. All these make it unique medical and recovering resource for holidaymakers. Annually hundreds of tourists spend their holidays on the beaches of the Issyk-Kul Lake.

Kyrgyzstan is interesting by not only the nature but also by its culture. The Kyrgyzs are rooted in nomads and they still have all attributes of the nomadic life. You will see a yurt – unusual portable dwelling decorated with a hand-made welt carpets and ribbons, will have an opportunity to taste the national cuisine. If you wish you can stay in yurt for some time and watch the everyday life: pasturage, koumiss making, and national horse games. You are going to feel a difference between the South and the North of Kyrgyzstan by visiting both parts of the country. This is the difference in climate, nature, and culture.
Our site mission is to unveil our small sunny country for the rest of the world. The beauty of the mountain nature with its crystal pure air, the azure Issyk-Kul Lake with its warm and caressing sun, traditions peculiarities of the hospitable Kyrgyz people, historical monuments along the Great Silk Road – we want to make all of these accessible for you!
4,6(52 оценок)
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