Описание трёх вещей из одежды:
My favourite thing is my jeans.
It's very comfortable and colourful.
I usually wear it for a walk.
I really like it, because it's very nice.
My favourite thing in my woodrobe is sweater.
It's very comfortable and warm.
I always wear my sweater whet the weather is cold.
I really like it, because it always got warm to me.
My favourite thing in my garderobe is the blue T-Shirt.
It's very bright and comfortable.
I usually wear it at summer.
I really like it, because it's very colourful.
Описание трёх вещей из одежды:
My favourite thing is my jeans.
It's very comfortable and colourful.
I usually wear it for a walk.
I really like it, because it's very nice.
My favourite thing in my woodrobe is sweater.
It's very comfortable and warm.
I always wear my sweater whet the weather is cold.
I really like it, because it always got warm to me.
My favourite thing in my garderobe is the blue T-Shirt.
It's very bright and comfortable.
I usually wear it at summer.
I really like it, because it's very colourful.
1)Их бешеная активность(activity) не прекращалась ни на минуту.
Their frenzied activity continued.
2)Моя основная деятельность(activity) решать проблемы.
My main activity is to solve problems.
3)Это чудесная идея для мероприятия(activity) на выходные!
This was such a great idea for a weekend activity!