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my name's oliver. i'm lucky because dad and i do a lot of travelling together. i heard this story on the radio last year. i really liked it.
many thousands of years ago, in a country where the weather was always hot and dry, there was an important but sad king.the king was sad because there weren't many colours in his country. the sands and grasses everywhere were yellow, the skies were always blue and the rocks and stones were all grey. all the animals were grey too - the camels in the sandy desert, the swans and the eagles, the horses in the hills and the hippos and snakes. i want more colours in my country, the king said. i want to see white, purple, orange, green, pink and black in my country. an old woman heard the king and walked for three days to speak to him. she was tired after her journey but she didn't sleep. she sat down on a large rock, looked at the king and said, don't be sad. i can't give you all six colours white, pink, purple, orange, green and black, but i can give you three more colours for your country. which three colours would you like most of all? the king thought and thought and then slept, and then thought and thought again and then slept. on the third day, he had an answer for the old woman. most of all i'd like the colours orange, black and white, he said. orange because that colour is like yellow but it looks warmer and more interesting. orange in my country could make me happy again. i'd like black because i never see black in the day. black is an excellent, strong colour and black in my country could make me feel stronger again, too. i'd like white because white is the colour of the light from the moon and i know that white in my country could make my heart sing. these three colours could make me the happiest king in the world. the woman looked at the king kindly and, a minute later, a butterfly flew onto his shoulder. its wings wew a lovely orange colour. the king smiled. amazing! he said. after another minute, a big black beetle climbed out from under a rock. the king was so happy he jumped up and down and waved his arms in the air. i feel stronger. wonderful! he said. another minute later, a beautiful white wolf ran down the hill towards them. when the king saw the white wolf, his heart began to sing. excellent! he said.
He wanted to drive his car to some nice place but the car was broken. Он хотел поехать на своей машине в какое-нибудь хорошее место, но машина была сломана.
He wanted to spend the afternoon with his friends but it started to rain cats and dogs. Он хотел провести день со своими друзьями, но начался ливень как из ведра.
He wanted to say "I love you" to his friend Rose but didn't come to his place in the evening. Он хотел сказать "Я люблю тебя" своей подруге Розе, но она не пришла к нему вечером.