Health is very important for every person. Everybody wants to be healthy and active. But in spite of that a lot of people nowadays have different illnesses and other health problems. I take care of my health because I like to feel well. But sometimes it seems that everyone all around me is ill, so it’s very easy to get sick. Sometimes I’m tired or stressed and I have a headache. So I have to use an aspirin or some other pain killer.
I don’t like to go to the doctor, but sometimes I have to. I go to the dentist once a year, because it’s important to look after your teeth. I hate toothache and can’t understand people who are ready to tolerate it because they are scared to go to the dentist.
In my opinion people should try to keep fit, eat healthy food and do some sports. But even if you do all that, it doesn’t guarantee that you won’t have some serious disease like asthma or cancer. The reason of it is a high level of pollution of the environment.
1 - popular; 2 - boots; 3 - team; 4 - competitions; 5 - playing; 6 - friends; 7 - talented; 8 - love.
ответы на вопрос: 1) As a football player he needs football boots and a uniform. 2) He likes to play football because it makes team spirit and unity and thanks to football he found many friends. 3) He often watches football programs with the legends of the world football. 4) In future, he hopes that one day he and his team will be popular and maybe they will meet some football celebrities.
Слово turn переводится как "поворачивать" или "поворачиваться". Но добавляя к этому слову маленькие слова - предлоги, мы меняем его смысл. Turn back, turn out, turn in - разберемся с этими сочетаниями! В этой статье я расскажу, как по-английски сказать "оказался" или "появился" и приятно удивлю вас тем, как связаны друг с другом значения фразовых глаголов с turn
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