1. I am sending my annual report to my immediate superior. My annual report is being sent to my immediate superior by me. 2. The foreman is firing his immediate subordinate. The immediate subordinate is being fired by his foreman. 3. Controller is giving the orders to his employees. The employees are being given the orders by their controller. 4. We are changing the organizational structure of our company. The organizational structure of our company is being changed by us. 5. The board of directors is enlarging the staff of the company. The staff of the company is being enlarged by the board of directors
1.I live on the twenty - second (door/ floor) 2.(The English / Americans ) like to speak about the weather . 3.This house is really (huge / dirty ). 4. You can go outside and get some fresh ( milk / air). 5. These trainers are expensive for me .I am not ( rich / tall ). 6.We must tidy up the garden ,it,s a so ( green /dirty). 7.My worst ( enemy / friend ) is myself . 8.My favorite fairy tale is"The (Uglt/Beautiful ) Duckling " . 9. The Internet ( connects / invites ) usto the world . 10.Some pepole in poor counthies live in 9 beautiful / horrible ) houses . 11. Big cities ( grow / die ) every year . 12. Boys must ( like / protect ) girls .
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