Nowadays people are very busy at school, at university, at work and so on. Sometimes they have no time to relax or to spend free time with their family or friends because, actually, have time. they free no Besides, people do many stressful activities, for with something and are many example, they drive a car, work important dangerous and so on. Also, there conflicts between colleagues, family members and friends.Such factors lead to stress.
The easiest way to deal with work-related stress. I just stop working for a while. If I notice that I take on the same few sheets of paper four times a day and have not done anything with them, then stress is to blame. Or when I find myself staring at a computer monitor for a long time, but never finished preparing a report, I blame stress. The best way to overcome it is to do something else. Sometimes I get up from the table and go down the hall to talk to my colleagues. We don't talk about work-related topics. Another time I go out for a few minutes of walking during my lunch break and get some fresh air. Work-related stress can be overcome by quitting work and shifting your attention to something else.
Stress caused by friends and family is harder to manage. Often the cause is more complex. These may be personal issues that cause anxiety for both my friends and me. Or it could be a quarrel or dispute with relatives. Here, the cure for stress can be a discussion of the problem and the joint time spent with my family and friends.
It is important to learn how to competently and effectively deal with stress. If we learn to avoid stress by shifting our attention to something else, by talking to friends, or by facing the challenge of fate, our health, our personality and relationships will only benefit from it.
Мне стало больно от ответа первого человека, так что вставлю свои пять копеек.
1) In my opinion one of the hardest languages is Hungarian. Although it is a European language, it has nothing in common with the languages of Europe. What is more, it has a unique structure that is pretty hard to understand.
2) As for me, English is really important, because it is the main international language nowadays. It allows us to communicate with each other no matter in what countries we live. Also I find Spanish interesting, because it is the second world's largest language and is considered one of the most beautiful and easy languages to learn and speak.