New year is the most popular holiday in my famaly. at the beginning of december everybody has a festive mood. in the city the streets and shop windows are decorated with bright garlands. a huge christmas tree is put at the main square. we begin to prepare for the holiday. we buy christmas-tree decorations. we also buy gifts for relatives and friends. we usaly celebrate new year sitting around the table and having dinner. later in the night we walk otside and make fireworks. i like this holidsy very much. новый год - наиболее популярный праздник в моей семье. с начала декабря у всех праздничное настроение. в городе улицы и магазины украшают яркими . огромную елку ставят на главной площади. мы начинаем готовиться к празднику. мы покупаем елочные игрушки. мы также покупаем подарки для родственников и друзей. мы обычно отмечаем новый год сидя за столом и ужиная. позднее ночью мы гуляем и устраиваем фейерверк. мне нравится этот праздник.
"Russian Lotto", the rules of the game "samodelki"The word "bingo" comes, apparently, from the French ("loto") or of Italian origin ("lotto"). It combines gambling with the use of special cards to put on them with numbers (typically rows and columns).The rules of the game "Russian Lotto" is simple and straightforward. Playing the Lotto can be your home or any other place, the main thing that was suitable for company. There are several varieties of the rules of the game "Russian Lotto": a simple Lotto, short Lotto and Lotto "three on three". Before the game, the participants agree what game "Russian Lotto" will play.
1. Sally went to the park after she had done her homework.
2. the cat went in because Mr Jones had forgotten to close the door of the house.
3. when the smiths arrived at the airport, the plane had already taken off.
4. by the time Judy got home, the basement had flooded.