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“let there be peace”
a wise old gentleman retired and bought a small house in the new surroundings. there was a junior school nearby. he spent the first few weeks in his new home in peace reading books about legendary historic characters, works of great philosophers and even fairy tales full of wizards and witches. occasionally some people passed his house. evidently they were going to the school to enrol their children there. rarely in the morning he could see the school caretaker near the solid stone wall of the school yard.
then a new school year began. the next afternoon three young boys full of youthful, after-school enthusiasm came down his street. they were messing around beating loudly on every trash can there was. that continued day after day. the wise old gentleman didn’t like that awful noise. he understood he couldn’t force the children to stop it. it wasn’t even possible to warn them. they wouldn’t listen and would be able to make his life even worse. but something had to be done. concentrating on this complicated problem the wise gentleman thought of a plan and hoped it would work. what do you think he decided to do?
the next afternoon, he walked out to meet the three boys. stopping them he said, “you kids have a lot of fun. i like to see you express your feelings like that. when i was your age i used to do the same thing and not too rarely i assure you. will you do me a favour? i’ll give you each a dollar if you promise to come around every day and do your thing.” the kids were happy.
after a few days, the old gentleman greeted the kids again, but this time there was a sad smile on his face.
“we are living in hard times,” he said, “and i’m not made of money. from now on, i’ll only be able to pay you 50 cents to beat on the bins.” the noisemakers were very displeased, but they agreed to continue their afternoon “concerts”.
a few days later the gentleman talked to the boys again. “look,” he said, “i haven’t got my money yet, so i won’t be able to give you more than 25 cents. will that be okay? ”
“what? twenty-five cents? ” the boys exclaimed. “if you think we’re going to waste our time beating these trash cans for this money, you’re crazy. no way, mister.” with these words the boys vanished. the old gentleman felt quite relieved: he knew that he would enjoy peace and quiet for the rest of his days.​

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Hyde Park
The park - 1.4 km2. During the reign of Charles I, the garden has become a favorite vacation spot of Londoners. The park has a lake where swimming is allowed. Here before 1536 are ancient possessions Hyde at Westminster Abbey, the name was the ancient unit area. Since the beginning of the dissolution of the monasteries (1536) Henry VIII confiscated his, and he made this hunting ground. The main attraction of the park - the Serpentine lake, where swimming is allowed, and the Serpentine Gallery. Next to the park is a triumphal arch Marble Arch (1828), which was to serve as the entrance to Buckingham Palace, but did not like the queen, and according to legend, she ordered the crew too wide, not passing under the arch, which is why it was abandoned. Since the 20th century the park was the site of concerts, meetings and events. Known fact that there is Speakers Corner, where traditionally honed his eloquence all sorts of speakers and preachers, but because of Hyde Park has become synonymous with a place to proclaim and defend forbidding any ideas. That Hyde Park witnessed historic performances of Karl Marx, Lenin, and other great political figures of the past.

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КНИГА : рейчал джойс
Это грустная книга, написанная светлым языком. Почему грустная: потому, что она о людях, проживших свою жизнь, наделавших в ней кучу ошибок и теперь влачащих своё пустое и в чём-то даже никчёмное существование. Она о надежде, которая так непостоянна — нет незыблемой надежды, она всегда колышется, то истончаясь и почти покидая человека, то уплотняясь и становясь его щитом. Она о мимолётных порывах перевернуть с ног на голову всю жизнь — о единственном шаге, который не по сценарию, и вот уже шаг за шагом жизнь несётся вперёд, сломя голову. Никаких высоких целей (вернее, они есть, конечно, но как нелепое покрывало, под которым скрывается нечто иное, большее, чем эти высокие цели), только путь к самому себе. И в конце — то, что обычно и бывает, когда достигаешь своей цели и не знаешь, что делать дальше: усталость, разочарование, неловкость, а потом — смирение. Книга — о прощении. И в первую очередь — самого себя. А ещё она о взаимопонимании — о том, как трудно порой даются слова, сколь многое можно исправить или же сломать одним взглядом.
Почему светлым языком: текст очень лёгкий, воздушный и вместе с тем объёмный, как облако. Картинка так и встаёт перед глазами, автор грамотно делает акценты на тех или иных вещах, явлениях, людях, не особо перебарщивая с описаниями.
Сам по себе роман не шедевр, конечно, в нём достаточно спорных моментов, которые, особенно на начальных этапах чтения, заставляли недоумевать или веселиться. Но прочтения однозначно стоит. Я тут растёкся пафосной мыслью по дереву, но в книге затрагивается столько аспектов, что о каждом можно говорить часами или писать многостраничные отзывы-размышления. Такие книги нужно просто читать самому и либо плеваться от них, либо восторгаться ими.
«Если время от времени хоть немного не сходить с ума, на что тогда надеяться?» (Р. Джойс, «Невероятное паломничество Гарольда Фрая»)
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