вот текст . но я не уверена что он правильный.
1 the guide was surprised to learn that they were going to Kaindi
2 He compared the trees to strange submarines in a bright blue green sea
3 Previously, where the lake is now, there was a valley, but the earthquake in 1911 led to the fact that a lot of land fell and blocked the river.
4 Then up a canyon to the top. it wasn't as scary as it sounds! i'll never forget standing there, with snow-covered mountain peaks all around, staring down at the beautiful waterfalls.
5 I'm glad i did some training before this trip but even so i have some very sore feet as a souvenir. would i do it again? oh yes!
6 I took a bunch of photos - and videos, too, to record the noise - but really you should see it for yourself.
полностью всё делала сама
надеюсь что правильно
драконий суп
Было королевство и король,который был очень толстым потому-что любил поесть.Он начал свой день с плотного завтрака в 8 часов,перекусил в 10 и пообедал в 12.Потом он смотрел теннис или скачки и в два часа дня перекусывал.В 4 часа он ел бутерброды а в 7 часов с удовольствием садился за королевский ужин. у короля была одна проблема он хотел внести изменения в каждое блюдо. вот почему все повара ушли от него, потому что им не нравилось менять свои рецепты. у нас будет соревнование тот кто скажет мне самый необычный рецепт станет королевским поваром.
my parents subscribe to argumenty i facty. i also like this weekly. i don't read all the articles, but in every issue i find something interesting. i think that most articles are very well written, they give a detailed and well-balanced analysis of current events and trends in economy. i like to read articles on social issues, interviews, reviews of new books, plays and tv shows. one of my favourite columns is the quotation of the day, where they quote our popular politicians and give their comments. sometimes it's very funny.
quite often i buy sovershenno secretno (top secret) and practically in each issue there are some fascinating stories which you read like a detective story. sometimes they uncover things i have not heard about, sometimes they show well-known events in a completely new light.
from time to time i read moskovsky komsomolets. it's one of the most popular daily papers, but i don't consider it serious. however, i never miss an article written by minkin. i think he is a very good journalist. i also like merinov's cartoons. sometimes they publish good reviews of new films, new cds and so on.
in short, i think that tv, radio and the internet have their advantages, but nothing can substitute newspapers.