Public accounting and private accounting include specialized services because accounting affects people in many different fields.
1. Do public accounting and private accounting include specialized services because accounting affects people in many different fields?
2/ Public accounting and private accounting include specialized services because accounting affects people in many different fields, don't theyt?
3/ What include specialized services because accounting affects people in many different fields?
4/ Do public accounting and private accounting include specialized services because accounting affects people in many or few different fields?
5/ What do public accounting and private accounting include?
1. The truck driver was my uncle. Водитель грузовика был моим дядей.
2. This truck driver knows five languages. Этот водитель грузовика зна пять языка.
3. The truck driver is a very kind person. Водитель грузовика очень добрый человек.
1. The great chef will be here in ten minutes. Шеф-повар придёт через десять минут.
2. The pilot was my best friend. Летчик был моим лучшим другом.
3. I was the best chef in the world. В этом мире я был лучшим шеф-поваром.