Нужно ли писать ссылку на будущие контакты(write back soon! ) с красной строки когда я пишу личное письмо на ? сколько абзацев должно быть и где, у меня получается примерно следующее:
17/11/2019) - справа в верхнем углу
1.thanks a lot for your letter. i was glad to hear from you again.
2.in your letter you asked me ). на 3 вопроса)
3.sorry i have to go now and study for my exams.
4.write back soon!
5.best wishes,
2. high - higher - highest
strong-stronger-the strongest
favourite-more favourite-the most favourite
3. English people seldom put lemon in their favourite tea.
In a well-to-do family it will consist of ham and tomatoes and salad, or a kipper or tinned salmon with strong tea, bread and butter followed by stewed fruit or tinned pears, appricots or pineapple with cream or custard and a cake.
The pot is then filled with boiling water and covered to allow the tea to infuse or draw for five minutes.