Монологічне висловлювання за темою «відкриття /закриття конференції». використовуючи ці словосполучення.
1. the close of the conference is scheduled sees the close of the conference that our work is drawing at a close it is only fitting
4. i may say that this conference is an outstanding event.
5. i should like to bring out the general significance of this conference.
6. i should express my satisfaction at the work of the conference, the excellent results achieved, the atmosphere of cordiality and mutual understanding throughout the work of the conference.
7. it is not for me to judge what each of us may have derived from this meeting.
8. it is my belief that exchanges of views will doubt prompt us
9. all participants agreed
10. the papers presented were well prepared and well-worded.
11. the conference has shown
12 from this we have to conclude
14. in a more general way i'm indebted to
15. permit me finally, ladies and gentlemen, to
16. you can judge for yourself from your present
17. that this conference was successful is due foremost to the fact
18. with regard to the recommendation i can only
19. the results and spirit of this conference hemselves felt in our daily work.
20. here lies the real test of the success of the work we have done
21. the achievements of the conference and due primarily to you, mr. k, the president of conference.
22. in closing i should like to thank all of you for your participation in this conference.
23. the heads of the delegations join me in the expression of gratitude to
24. thank you for your unremitting concern
25. і should like to express my thanks to the observers who followed the debates with great interest
26. with regard to the recommendations i can only say
27. the conference is here closed
28. i wish you happy journey home'
My favourite book is "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.I first discovered these stories when I was about twelve and I've loved them ever since. They're brilliantly written, full of bizarre crimes and they've got a terrific Victorian atmosphere.When you read them you really feel like you've been carried back to nineteenth-century London.All the twentieth century detectives like Miss Marple and Inspector Morse seem really boring compared to Sherlock Holmes.That's where Conan Doyle, really makes you believe that Holmes is unique — a genius with amazing mental powers.Normally I only read detective stories once. I mean, why read them again when you know what happens in the end?With the Sherlock Holmes stories, though, its different.Each time I re-read them I discover more and more to enjoy.
Гарри Поттер:
There was a guy. He had no parents. He lived with his aunt and uncle. And with their son named Dudley.Nobody loved Harry Potter, because he was so different from them. This family was the only relatives he had and he had to live with them.Harry was told that his parents had died in a car crash. He was alone and not happy.When he was 7, he got a letter, he was invited to a school named Hogwarts. It was a magical school.
Робинзон Крузо:
My favourite book is "Robinson Crusoe" by Daniel Defoe. D. Defoe (1660—1731) was a great master of realistic detail. The novel "Robinson Crusoe" was written in 1719. The novel is praise to human labour and the triumph of man over nature.Defoe shows the development of his hero. At the beginning of the story we see an inexperienced youth, a rather frivolous boy, who then becomes a strong-willed man.Robinson Crusoe's most characteristic trait is his optimism. His guiding principle in life become "never say die" and "in trouble to be troubled is to have your troubles doubled".He had confidence in himself and in man. He believed it was within the power of man to overcome all difficulties. Crusoe was an enthusiastic worker and always hoped for the best.Defoe is a writer of the Enlightenment. He teaches people how to live, he tries to teach what's good and what's bad. His novel "Robinson Crusoe" is not only a work of fiction, an account of adventures, a biography and an educational pamphlet.It is a study of man, a great work showing man in relation to nature and civilization as well as in relation to labour and private property.