Hey. Hey. you're here first. ? yes nice to meet you. you don’t know how to get to the library. Oh sure. first go down the corridor to the left and then to the right
1. a. Mrs Smith doesn't spend her weekends gardening. b. Does Mrs Smith spend her weekends gardening? 2. a. Harry doesn't prefer to travel by air. b. Does Harry prefer to travel by air? 3. a. I don't do a lot of travelling. b. Do I do a lot of travelling? 4. a. They don't wish to speak to you. b. Do they wish to speak to you? 5. a. The children don't like sweets. b. Do the children like sweets? 6. a. Tom doesn't enjoy driving at night. b. Does Tom enjoy driving at night? 7. a. They don't sell fresh grape juice here. b. Do they sell fresh grape juice here? 8. a. My brother doesn't smoke a lot. b. Does my brother smoke a lot? 9. a. I don't brush my teeth every night. b. Do I brush my teeth every night? 10. a. The boys don't hurry home after school. b. Do the boys hurry home after school? 11. a. The taxes don't rise every year. b. Do the taxes rise every year? 12. a. I don't use a computer in my work. b. Do I use a computer in my work? 13. a. Mart doesn't work hard at her pronunciation. b. Does Mart work hard at her pronunciation? 14. a. Betty doesn't go out with someone every Saturday. b. Does Betty go out with someone every Saturday? 15. a. Nick doesn't like porriage. b. Does Nick like porriage? 16. a. My working day doesn't last eight hours. b. Does my working day last eight hours?
Jack is playing with a ball. – Джек играет с мячом. James is standing on his desk. – Джеймс стоит на своем столе William is having a snack. Enjoy your meal! – Вильям перекусывает (ест перекус?). Приятного аппетита! Megan is feeding the hamster. – Меган кормит хомяка. Liza is sleeping. Sweet dreams!. – Лиза спит. Приятных снов. Olivia is talking to Sophie. – Оливия разговаривает с Софи. Lucy and Helen are standing. – Люси и Хелен стоят. Ben is painting on the notice-board. – Бен рисует на доске Emily is drawing a monster. Oh, it's one o'clock, Mrs Fanny – Емили рисует монстра. Ой. Час дня, Миссис Фанни.
No I haven’t,but we must do it
O...kay maybe I ask guests to teacher
You can do it!