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06.12.2022 04:32 •  Английский язык

Прям ну ! нужно написать и своей цели и как достичь её(в плане физ. активности) на ​



travelling is one of the best activities a person can do. when you travel you get new experience, learn about the cultures of other countries and visit unique places around the whole world. travelling is learning foreign languages, tasting local dishes and meeting new friends.  

my family and i travel quite a lot, we have already visited many places in ukraine and abroad. but still i have a dream about a perfect holiday i will have some day. i like beach holiday but at the same time i can’t stay at one place for a long time. so usually when we go travelling we try to combine sightseeing and relaxing on the seaside. so my dream holiday is not an exception. i would like to go to luxurious five star hotel with delicious food and no ukrainian people around. there should certainly be a swimming pool and it should be close to the sea. i like when there are young people in the hotel, because then it usually has parties every night, where you can dance and meet interesting people.  

my perfect holiday should last for about 2 weeks – one week of relaxing on the beach and another one is for excursions and sightseeing. i am fond of watching ruins of ancient buildings, wonderful architecture of european cities. so if i had a holiday of my dream i would certainly go to spain or italy, where i would have a chance to combine sea and excursions. i would get up early to have time for every interesting place and activities.  

my dream holiday also includes meeting new people. when i travel i always try to find new friends from different countries and then to stay in touch with them. i hope someday my dream will come true and i will have a perfect holiday.



подорожі - це одне з найкращих занять для людини. коли ви подорожуєте, ви отримуєте новий досвід, дізнаєтеся культуру інших країн і відвідуєте унікальні місця по всьому світу. подорож - це вивчення іноземної мови, дегустація місцевих страв і нові знайомства.

ми з моєю родиною досить багато подорожуємо, ми відвідали безліч місць в україни і за кордоном. але все ж я мрію коли-небудь відправитися в подорож моєї мрії.

я люблю пляжний відпочинок, але в той же час не можу довгий час сидіти на одному місці. так що зазвичай, коли ми подорожуємо, ми намагаємося поєднувати огляд визначних пам'яток і відпочинок на пляжі. і подорож моєї мрії - не виняток. я б хотів поїхати в розкішний п'ятизірковий готель, де смачну їжу і щоб навколо не було українців. там, звичайно, повинен бути басейн і готель повинен бути недалеко від моря. я люблю готелі, де багато молоді, тому що тоді там зазвичай проходять вечірки, де можна потанцювати і познайомитися з новими людьми.

мій ідеальний відпустку повинен тривати близько двох тижнів - один тиждень я б лежав на пляжі, а другу присвятив би екскурсіях і огляду визначних пам'яток. я люблю руїни древніх будівель і чудову архітектуру європейських міст. так що в подорож своєї мрії я б відправився в іспанію або в італію, де я міг би поєднати море і екскурсії. я б вставав рано вранці, щоб у мене був час на цікаві місця і заняття.мій ідеальний відпустку також включає зустрічі з новими людьми. коли я подорожую, я завжди намагаюся знайти нових друзів і підтримувати з ними зв'язок після.сподіваюся, що коли-небудь моя мрія збудеться і у мене буде ідеальний відпустку.

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Britain today is a country of highly a developed, strong and independent economy. The economic recovery after the Second World War took almost forty years. In addition to internal resources, the recovery process has also contributed to the entry Britain in the European Community in 1973, which contributed to the rise of competitiveness of the country. Now Britain is the forefront among developed countries in terms of growth, productivity and competitiveness. The share of production and engineering during the years after the Second World War fell from one-third to one-fifth, while the service sector has expanded considerably and has become to bring a significant part of the income of the country. The United States and Japan - the most significant trading partners are the UK and Japanese companies often choose the UK as their base in Europe. Other the developing countries of East Asia with export-oriented economy actively participate in the open UK market. Thus, The United Kingdom actively cooperates not only with member countries Of the Commonwealth, but with Europe, Asia and North America. 80 years have witnessed large-scale privatization of state enterprises, which were nationalized in previous years. Also rose the average standard of living, although still left the division more successful South-Eastern part of the country, including London, and less rich areas of West and North. The levels of unemployment and inflation gradually were reduced, but remained high. The country played the role of world financial leader, which, along with the discovery of natural gas and oil in the North sea has reduced the economy's dependence on more traditional energy sources and significantly improved the domestic economy and the government's economic policy. The main points of economic policy of the government began regulating and frequent change of interest rates, gradual reduction of direct taxation, reducing the role and influence of professional associations, promoting real estate property among the population, increasing the proportion individuals - shareholders of the companies, raising the level of the actual preparation of pupils of educational institutions to work in the real world. Significant efforts have been made to improve the productivity and competitiveness of goods and services. Продайте машину быстрее – разместите объявление в приложении Auto.ru
4,6(75 оценок)
Britain today is a country with a highly developed, strong and independent economy. The economic recovery after World War II took almost forty years. In addition to internal resources, the recovery spurred the entry of Great Britain into the European Community in 1973, which contributed to raising the country's competitiveness. Now Britain is in the forefront among the developed countries in terms of growth of production, productivity and competitiveness. The share of manufacturing and engineering in the years after the Second World War, has fallen from one-third to one-fifth, at the time, as the service sector expanded significantly and began to bring a significant portion of the country's income. The United States and Japan - the most significant trading partners of the United Kingdom, and Japanese companies often choose the UK as their base in Europe. Other developing countries of East Asia's export-oriented economy actively participate in the open market of Great Britain. Thus, the United Kingdom is actively cooperating not only with the countries - members of the Commonwealth, but also from Europe, Asia and North America.80 years have witnessed a large-scale privatization of state enterprises, which were nationalized in previous years. Also raised the average level of life, although still remaining at a successful division of the south-eastern part of the country, including London, and less rich territory west and north. Unemployment and inflation have gradually been reduced, but remained high. The country played the role of the global financial leader, which, along with the discovery of deposits of oil and natural gas in the North Sea has reduced the economy's dependence on more traditional sources of energy and significantly improve the domestic economy and the economic policy of the government. The main points of the economic policy of the government began regulating and frequent change in interest rates, a gradual reduction in direct taxation, reducing the role and influence of professional associations, the promotion of real estate to the public, increasing the share of natural persons - holders of shares in companies, improving the actual preparation of students of educational institutions to work in real world. Significant efforts are being made to improve the productivity and competitiveness of goods and services.
4,7(14 оценок)
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