Underline the correct answer:
1. Where's Jim? – He's gone to the cinema.
2. I've read this novel many times.
3. He's been writing his autobiography for 2 years and hasn't finished it yet.
4. I've already seen this film.
5.The programme hasn't finished yet.
6. Omar Sharif hasn't starred in a film for 15 years.
7. Malakhov has been working for the media for 20 years.
8. Have you ever met a celebrity?
9. I still haven't understood who killed the hero.
10. She's been listening to music in her room all day long.
A mouse grey
A crocodile green
A fox red
A whale blue
A flamingo pink
A bear brown
A zebra black and white
A chicken yellow
Потому что по принято считать что мышь серого цвета, крокодил зелёный, лис красный (по скольку рыжего нет), кит синий, фламинго розовый, медведь коричневый, зебра имеет чёрные и белые полоски, цыплёнок жёлтый (это ясно с перевода слов