8. (b) replace the italicised adverbial clauses of time by the appropriate form of the
participle using the model.
m o d e l:
ex. 6. (a) replace the attributive clauses by the participle.
увидев ί seeing (тогда)
когда увидел j having seen (раньше)
1. when i entered the room, i felt some change in the atmosphere at once. 2. when we had
finally reached the river, we decided to stay there and wait for the others. 3. when i reached
out in the darkness, i felt a stone wall where i expected to find the door. 4. when she opened
the parcel, she saw a large box of pencils. 5. when they had finally opened the safe, they
found that most of the papers had gone. 6. when she closed the suitcase, she put it on the
bed. 7. when she had closed and locked the suitcase, she rang for the porter to come and
take it downstairs. 8. when she had cut the bread, she started to make the coffee.
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