2 задание
1 Is goin to
2 Is going to
3 are going to
4 am going to
5 are going to
3 задание
They will swim in the sea
Tomorrow Ben will play tennis
I will dance at school
She will visit Greece
4 задание
They won't swim in the sea
She won't visit Greece
Will they swim in the sea?
Will she visit Greece?
Yes they will
No they won't
Yes she will
No she won't
5 задание
1 a) Who is going to the mountains by car ?
b) where is he going by car ?
C) how is he going to the mountains?
1 a,) when his family will buy a house ?
B) who will buy a house next year?
C) what his family will buy next year?
Dea Sophie,
thank you for your letter! I am so glad to be in touch with you. Also thank you for the questions which I would like to answer.
So, I agree that history is important and interesting. As for me, English is really important because if you know it well you can travel worldwide, watch the films and listen to the songs. Also, it can help you in your career, for example, I would like to be an architect. So with English I will be able to get any information about the latest trends and styles in architecture. Isn't it great? I can travel and see different architectural solutions which are famous and exciting!
As for my parents, they absolutely approve of my choice and it makes me happy.
Tell me about the places whch you would like to visit.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon,
всем привет! поставьте , корону большое!
good luck to you all dears!
и какой класс? ? можно поподробнее