ответ:Т-этнический состав тюрского каганата , племена?
У-крупная административно-территориальная единица в составе государства, обычно автономная или фактически независимая?
М-историческое объединение казахов где В 1924 году была ликвидирована ханская власть?
Е-в казахских легендах Аттилу называли?
Н-дорога у монголов и затем во всех после монгольских государствах титул высшей знати., Военачальник?
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А- поэт импровизатор, народный певец у казахов?
С-племена проживавшие в западном Казахстане в 8-5 вв. До н .э?
1. Fred visited
his cousin yesterday
2. My mum and my sister painted the wall yesterday.
3. The children washed
the car last Saturday.
4. The dog played
with the ball this morning.
5. Sam and I listened to the radio this afternoon.
Ex. 2 Fill the sentences with the right verb in past simple.
play talk like climb help
At the weekend I was
at the park with my friends. Sam and Bob climbed
the tree. Vicky talked on her mobile phone. Tom helped his brother
on his bike. Some girls played volleyball. Everyone liked
Ex. 3 Write the verbs in past simple. They can be + or - - forms.
1. My mum cleaned the house but she didn't cook
2. Tom washed his bike but he didn't watch
3. Vicky and Rob danced at the party but they didn't play
with their friends.
4. The dog walked but it didn't climbed
a tree.
5. I helped my grandpa but I didn't listen to the radio.
6. Sally painted the walls but she didn't visited her