50 составьте текст о своей любимой знаменитости на ,со следующими пунктами: полное имя откуда(страна и город) день рождения семья(допустим мама,папа,2 сестры и т.д.) хобби он/она может
— Where are we ( going) now, Tom? — We are going to our glade, Ann. There we (will have) a picnic. — (Isn't) it our glade, Tom? But there (is) so much litter here! — Somebody ( left) all this rubbish in such a beautiful place! Just look at these empty cans and bottles! — And look, Tom, somebody (has not put out) a campfire! It (is still burning)! — Well, this place ( looks) horrible. And this (is) our favourite place for having picnics! — Right. But we (have never left) rubbish here. We (always picked) the wrapping papers and cans and ( carried) them to the nearest waste bin. I think we (have to clean) away all the rubbish first. — OK. Then I (will put out) the fire. — And I (will pick) up all the rubbish.
My yard is the most beautiful in the town, especially in summer. There are trees, flowered beds and green grass here. Everything is so beautiful. There is also a playground in the yeard where I play with my friends. There are small slides, merry-go-rounds and a sand-pit for kids. Our yard is being carried about by a keeper, that's why it is always very clean. My yard is also beautiful in winter. It is covered in white blanket. Trees are ice-glazed. Children ride sleds, play snowballs and make snowmen. I like my tidy and clean yard in any season.
Мой любимый актер - Джонни Депп. Он известный американский актер. У него есть
много наград и звезд на Аллее славы в Голливуде. Jhonny
Депп родился 9 июня 1963 года в США. Его отец был строителем
а его мать была официанткой. Джонни Депп - единственный актер, который на
На счету три фильма заработали более миллиарда долларов. Он играл
заглавная роль в фильме «Пираты Карибского моря» и в фильмах Тима Бертона. я
думаю, что он великий актер. Увлечения Деппа включают чтение, игру на гитаре и рисование
5 - 9 классы Английский язык 5+3 б
My favourite actor is Jhonny Depp. He is a famous American actor. He has
a lot of awards and star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Jhonny
Depp was born 9 june in 1963 in the USA. His father was a builder
and his mother was a waitress. Johnny Depp - the only actor who on the
account three films have earned over a billion dollars. He played the
title role in Pirates of Caribbean sea and in the films of Tim Burton. I
think he is great actor.Depp's hobbies include reading, playing guitar, and painting
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