Anchutka - a little evil spirit. Height of brooks is only a few centimeters, their bodies are covered with wool and have a black color, and the heads of these evil spirits are bald. A characteristic feature of anchioles is the absence of heels. It is believed that it is impossible to say out loud the name of this evil spirit, because anchutka will immediately respond to it and be right in front of the person who uttered it.
Anchutka can live almost everywhere: most often the spirit can be found in the field, in the bath or on the pond, he also prefers to settle closer to people, but he avoids encounters with more powerful creatures. However, a different habitat imposes features on the appearance and behavior of evil spirits, so it is possible to distinguish three main subspecies of baths: bath, field, water or marsh. The field horses are the most peaceful, they are not people unless they themselves have called them. Bathhouses and marsh anchutki love to try it out, but their jokes are evil and dangerous, often resulting in the death of a person, so a marsh anchuk can grab a swimmer by the leg and drag him to the bottom. Sauna baths often scare people with moans, appear to them in various guises, and they can simply make a person fall asleep or lose consciousness.
Anchutka capable becomes invisible. In addition, this evil spirit can take any form and, for example, will turn into a beast and a man. Another ability of the spirit is the ability to instantly move in space.
Anchutki are afraid of iron and salt, if an evil spirit grabs you, then you need to poke it with something iron and then he will immediately let you go. But it will be very difficult to get rid of the chambers altogether, so if they have chosen a place or a building, then they can only be expelled from there by destroying the structure in the fire and pouring salt on the ashes.
The grandmother has a large household: two pigs, a cow, a calf, a dozen chickens, and there is also a cat with a cat and a guard dog. In the middle of summer, the time of the hot hay season begins, where my fascinating journey began. Early in the morning, everyone set off for a whole day a few kilometers from home to begin mowing grass.
Grandpa sharpened his spit and cooked a rake. When we arrived at the right place, then having a little rest, we all started to work. I, too, was left idle, I was guarding the fire to boil hot tea. As such a drink is not strange, it is true that it quenched thirst after exhausting labor on the hottest day, especially when cooked in nature.
We have a small place on a hayfield, similar to a gazebo, only the crown of two spruce trees located nearby is the roof, and the table is the boards enclosed between them. Nearby are two benches on both sides. And here I sit, throwing firewood in little by little, the dying down fire, and I see how a lizard flashed across the bark, and then another. It became interesting to me, and I left a small piece of bread on the table. And after some time, the largest lizard descended and eagerly devoured the baby. I began to call everyone else, but apparently the beast was frightened by my joyful exclamations and disappeared into the numerous crevices of the trees.
When everyone had lunch, then tired of the grueling and heavy manual mowing, lay down for an hour in the shade to rest. And I was waiting for new friends. And they reappeared, without any persuasion, they ate up all my presentations. For a few days of such hay they became a habit to eat with us, the lizards became so tame that it was easy to put them on your shoulder, like a normal pet, and lightly scratch around the neck. But large Copts of hay were soon loaded into huge carts, and the working time came to an end.
I felt sorry for parting with new tailed friends. I really hope that next year they will remember me, and my journey through forest places will continue.
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