They had difficulties in learning to read and to write, didn’t they? Did they have difficulties in learning to read and to write? Who had difficulties in learning to read and to write? What kind of difficulties did they have? Did they or you have difficulties in learning to read and to write?
Dyslexia is not a sign of poor intelligence or laziness, is it? Is dyslexia a sign of poor intelligence or laziness? What is not a sign of poor intelligence or laziness ? Isn’t dyslexia or a disgraphia a sign of poor intelligence or laziness?
Her parents were disappointed and wanted Agatha to leave school early, weren’t they? Who was disappointed and wanted Agatha to leave school early? Whose parents were disappointed and wanted Agatha to leave school early? Were her parents or friends disappointed and wanted Agatha to leave school early? Were her parents disappointed and wanted Agatha to leave school early?
One of my phobias is claustrophobia. I noticed that a few years ago I was embarrassed when my friends and I went to the quest "Claustrophobia", it all started with the fact that I entered the gloomy room. At first it seemed very interesting, but after a few minutes it seemed to me that the room began to shrink, I was terribly uncomfortable. Then I learned that this is called "Fear of closed space."
Now often, when I fall asleep, it seems to me that I am in a very small closed room without a single ray of light, but it is strange that I hear some distant sounds, such as the wind in it, but how can this happen in a closed room? I feel that the room itself is shrinking, and it is getting quite cold there. Because of this, I often wake up.
My name is ... and i want to create a charity organisation of homeless amilals like dogs or cats. I saw one TV program when group of people help animals which lost your masters. it inspire me to create my charity organisation and i hope my classmates join to me. All animals can eat three times of day. later i report all masters to a finding of place with them animals..
Спроси у учителя, там нужно писать в данном случае animals или надо писать pets. Перевод, думаю, найдешь.