Would you like to become a famous blogger? Do you want to start your YouTube channel and make it popular? Have you thought of creating your own website? If your answer is "yes" to any of the given questions, then you have to think about the audience you want to share your ideas with. Your target audience is the people or groups of people who can be interested in the information you share or services and products you want to offer. These people usually have something in common*. It can be age, gender, location, language, family, education or interests. So, you have to choose your audience based on some of these characteristics. For example, if you are a 12-year-old teenager, your sports blog will probably be interesting for the boys of the same age who are keen on sports. And, no doubt that fewer young men will read women's beauty advice or celebrity gossips. Or, who would like to read analytics except for the people who work in this sphere?
не все слова подошли, но может это из-за того, что все идет сплошным текстом, невозможно угадать где тут пропуски, которые нужно заполнить
Задание 1:
1 Play
2 Write
3 Listen
4 Don't watch
5 Say that
6 Does
7 Paints
8 Draws
9 Know
10 Finds
11 Goes
12 Relaxes
Задание 2:
1. Do you read books in english?
Yes, I read books in english.
2. Do you let your baby brother cry?
No, I don't let my baby brother cry.
3. Does Jessica do her homework every day?
No, she doesh't do her homework every day.
4. Do your friends use their smartphones in class?
No, they don't use their smartphones in class.
5. Do you buy flowers for you grandmother?
Yes, I buy flowers for my grandmother.
Задание 3.
1 Все верно
2 Все верно
3 Write, вместо writes (см. объяснение)
4 How much do they pay you to test video games
5 When she does her hobby
6 Все верно
Задание 3
3. В вопросе уже имеется форма s (does), поэтому глагол должен быть в инфинитиве.
a) has been working
ответ - present perfect continous, потому что он начал работать давно, проработал какое-то время (последний месяц) и все еще продолжает работать.
Мы употребили present perfect continous из-за показателя длительности действия (for the past month)