Cius ii
e vuxes.
game master
not like win play not listen know
when johnathan wendel was 13, he often
went to arcades and he games against
older teenagers. he was very good and he
often? his parents about this, but they
it. luckily, johnathan to them.
not win become take be
when he was 18, he part in his first
professional competition. he'_but he
third. in his next competition, he
champion of the game quake 3.
start make not lose beat travel
after that, he around the world and he
very often. he _ all the best players. he
his company fatality, inc. and a lot of
money selling things for computers.
As I spend the autumn holiday
Will soon begin to fall kanikuly.Сhildren can have a good rest, including ya.Budet cool to go for mushrooms in a large timber or roschu.Ya dressed for warmer, bring a bag or basket that would gather there griby.Posmotrev around, I I can not see the mushrooms, but if you look closely, you can find wonderful plody.No not all the mushrooms can be eaten,such as false grebe, or poisonous muhomor.The trip will be good and interesting, I will share their experiences with friends.