Моя комната среднего размера, она не самая лучшая, но все же нравится мне. В моей комнате есть удобная кровать, большой шкаф, 2 тумбочки и прочее. Она очень уютная, поэтому после тяжелого дня я люблю отдыхать в ней, лёжа на такой же удобной кровати.
My room is medium in size and not the best, but I still like it. My room has a comfortable bed, a large wardrobe, 2 bedside tables, and more. It is decorated in austere but pleasant blue, white, green tanakhs. It is very cozy, so after a hard day I like to relax in it, lying on the same comfortable bed. так?
1. Complete the sentence:
My name is Carlos and I'm ... Chile.
A. From
2. Complete the sentence
Look ... the board, please.
С At
3. Complete the sentence:
She ... men who talk a lot.
D. Doesn't like
4. Complete the sentence:
Our son is ... school now.
A. At
5. Complete the sentence:
My parents live ... a small flat.
D. In
6. We go ... the cinema twice a week.
С To
7. It is the ... dangerous route.
a) most
8. Who can help me the homework?
D. with
9. Do you know people in this street?
D. many
10. Write degrees of comparison of the word "red"
A. redder, reddest